Not enough milk- help


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2016
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My sun lose 14% of his weight after 3 days when he was born so preterition said I need to top up with formula after each feeding.
Now he is 3 weeks and he gained weight perfectly but I still give him formula after each feeding
How I can increase my mike and don't give him any more top up?

To increase your supply you need to breastfeed more. Hard as it is, cut the formula feeds and let baby feed as often and as much as they need and your supply will catch back up with baby. x
Hi i had the same issue my baby had to have top ups and you gradually reduce the formula. It is very hard as he will be hungry all the time. So I reduced the amount of formula by an 1oz every day or every couple and only gave the top up of formula every 3hrs. She would spent the whole time on my boob and I was exhausted but it worked. The only bottle i didnt stop was one before bed but that 4oz and I feed her after aswell. My baby is now 6months and im still breast feeding so it can be done. I have a c section so milk didn't come in and she was jaundice. I also took fenugreek which I beleive helped me I also expressed every 2hrs if baby was feeding. Breastfeeding support told me I needed to express about 8tines a day.
Im not joking when I say it was hard work. There was lots of tears from both of us but it was so worth it. If someone told me then id still be doing it now I wouldn't have believed them. I honestly didn't think I was going to be able to wean her of it but we did. X
My lb lost 11% in hosp, I had a c section and he was jaundice too, I topped up with expressed breastmilk. Im not kidding when I say but just feed feed feed. Do you have a pump? I would pump as well as the formula will satisfy him for longer so he may not want to feed for a bit. Your milk supply will naturally increase the more your little one feeds. After a few days it will adjust. I think oats are meant to help increase your supply too. Good luck :) be prepared to just sit and do nothing for a few days. Get your feet up, watch tv and have plenty of drinks and snacks near you :)

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