not drinking milk, again...

Little terror hasn't had ANY milk for 48 hours now. I can't mix his formula into his cereal as it's thickened milk and it would be a block of concrete within 2 minutes! Should I use full fat milk, or should I add 2nd stage milk to make sure he still gets some of the goodness? He isn't having 18oz of anything although I can get some juice into him, and fruit pots! :lol:
I don't give him cheese and youghurts give him loose poo's. :oops: I can't really give him 18oz worth of youghurts can I?? Or can I?! :lol:
Sami, Rebecca was on SMA staydown until 4 daysago and didn't touch milk in a few days, this was 2 weeks ago.

HV said give her petis filous after lunch and dinner, or try adding formula to puddings but instead of 7 scoops for 7 ounces try 6 scoops to 7 ounces. Reduce the scoops in the milk and it will make it watery (which doesn't help reflux but least they are getting something even if they barf it straight up!) :wink:

My HV said if that didn't work, she would have to go onto 2nd stage milk- tastes nicer than staydown, cause they do go off that stuff!

I have now transferred Bex onto normal SMA gold and she likes her milk again! Still has bad reflux tho :wall:
Yeah I think I had a dream some one telling me to put him on second stage milk, looks like I'll have to psy for it again then :wall:
thanks hun xx
So second staghe milk is better than normal full fat to mix puddings with? x
Sami have you tried mixing milk with a fruit pot? might work if he is still eating them - i am trying to wean alex off them a bit - he was having two a day as well as breakfast lunch and dinner and he started being sick all the time cos he was just having too much food! only has one a day now - still screams for the other one though!!!

alex is on 2nd stage milk now - dont think he even noticed!

Sami said:
Yeah I think I had a dream some one telling me to put him on second stage milk, looks like I'll have to psy for it again then :wall:
thanks hun xx
So second staghe milk is better than normal full fat to mix puddings with? x

Well that's what the HV told me-full fat milk is good as a top up to formula but not just their only source of milk-that's ok after a year apparently! But Sami, you know what they r like, 1 says 1 thing, another says another thing.

I would try second stage as it's designed for the older baby, but it's up 2 u hun. Keep me posted on how it goes.

Oh how's his Damo's reflux by the way? Bex is just as bad as ever! :wall:
Well I'm onto second stage milk and mixing it in. He won't drink it on it's own still (either brand) but I am mxing it into everything I possibly can! It doesn't work with fruit pots as it makes them too runny, but I can get it into him via breafast cereal in the morning, and in one of his dinners (he won't eat two). HV thinks his appetite has cut back since the hot weather which could well be true. He doesn't have as many wet nappies and his uringe smells really strong. He's otherwise fine, although a bit more sleepy. Got to get him weighed tomorrow and if it's not up we have to monitor his eating - again :roll:

He won't take milk in the morning or before be at night, which is the most worrying. He'll only take a couple of oz's of juice. He used to take it when he was sleeping okie, but now he spits it out.

Oh the fun!! :lol:
I used to add baby rice and milk to a fruit pot :)

You can also make your own custard with regular custard powder and formula. Also, if you buy a cereal to which you would normally add water (cos there is milk powder already in it) add milk to that so he gets a double dose of dairy :)
That's what I'm doing with the breakfast :)
Cheers Urchin, I need all the milky recipes I can find! :lol:
He had 3.5oz of milk this morning!! That's the most for ages! :cheer: Off to get him weighed now and see if he's still putting on the lb's

Found this for you Sami:

Ideally, a 10 month-old baby should be having between 500-600 mls of either breastmilk or formula milk per day. However, it's not uncommon for babies to drink much less than this.

Drinking milk is a convenient way of ensuring your child gets sufficient calcium and protein but it's by no means the only way. You could try getting your son to take milk with cereal or try adding milk to foods that he may like to eat - e.g. scrambled eggs, mashed potato, pancakes and sauces.

With regards to your son meeting his calcium requirement, it is unlikely that he will do so if he continues to have no milk. Between the age of 10-12 months a baby should be having 524 mg calcium per day. The following foods each contain approximately 200 mg of calcium:

* A quarter of a pint of milk
* A small piece of cheese (28g)
* 1 small carton of yoghurt (150mls)
* Half a large can of creamed rice pudding

Consequently if your son continues to refuse to take milk and doesn't meet his recommended daily intake of calcium through other foods, he should take a supplement. 15 mls of a calcium supplement called Calcium-Sandoz syrup provides 324 mg of calcium and is prescribable from your GP. Your baby may also be missing out on some other essential nutrients that is contained in formula milk - in particular, you should also encourage foods rich in iron as formula milk is often a major source of iron for babies (normal cows milk is not a good source of iron). Foods rich in iron include lean meat, wholemeal bread and cereals.

Hope that helps a little bit! I know he's not 10 months yet but it's the best I could find!
Cheers Urchin.

Well he's been weighed and he's lost weight from 2 weeks ago. We think he has a feeding aversion now and he is seeing the paediatrition next week, and she is also speaking to the GP to see if there is anything we can do in the meantime. The lack of wet nappies is worrying her but at the moment he is having some wet nappies so it's not urgent. With his reflux it's even more important to get more down him as he brings half of it up. Hopefully we'll get something down him today and it won't come to tubes :(
:hug: Hope he starts eating again soon, poor Damo I do feel for him, he's had such a lot to cope with, bless him.

It is kind of his own doing that he won't eat BUT with reflux I can kind of understand. I'm going to try and find anything that he will eat!! :lol:
Sami have you tried scrambled eggs? alex loves them. i just mix full fat milk with an egg - lots of protein and calcium. they are nice and squishy for them to chew too.

also alex likes dairy lea spread on toast. thats full of calcium too.

just thought they might be worth a try if you havent already.

poor little damo :( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (and poor mummy too!)
Damien won't eat toast or any other finger foods at the moment really. Will try the egg, but I won't be able to put that much milk in it will I? He needs formula more than full fat milk at the moment so he gets the nutrients out of it. Would making it with formula work??? :think:
Dont see why formula wouldnt be ok with the eggs. give it a go and taste it yourself first to be sure its not gross! i use maybe half a cup of milk to two eggs (make a fair bit though so i usually do it when i or dh wants some too!) if you dont want to make too much try 1/4 of a cup to one egg.

i tried to get alex to feed himself eggs with his fingers - he just quished it in his fist and crumbled it everywhere!

hope the eggs work out ok hun!

oh another idea just cam to me - how about rice pudding made with formula? you could mix some fruit pot in once its made to add some sweetness?

Yeah I'll try the rice pudding thing, well- I'll have to get DF to do it as it makes me wanna vomit :puke:
Sod tasting the eggs, I know how bad the formula smells lol!! I'm using aptimil second stage milk to give him the nutrients as his reflux milk will turn food to stone. Thanks Em xxx
Yeah fair enough formula is gross!

how can you not like rice pud - i could eat by the cart load! esp cold hmmmmm - sorry if i'm making you sick!!! will have to make some tonight now! will post some to damo!


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