Not coping with stories about baby P

:hug: :hug: :hug: I know exactly what you mean hun, I have shed some tears for baby P and the other baby girl who was in the news a couple of weeks ago with a similar story :cry: I don't understand why this has happened to 2 beautiful children. I try to avoid it on the news now cos it's too much. I have signed the Sun petition to get the doctor and several social workers sacked though as I think their lack f care was disgusting :shakehead:
:hug: :hug: i think it has touched the nation let alone us mummy and daddys x
You're not alone, hun. My heart literally aches for the poor little boy. I haven't heard the whole story, I don't want to. I spent so long crying about it the other day. I just cannot understand how people can do such a thing :cry:
jools221181 said:
Bee said:
Haylii&&Mia said:
I only know that something not nice has gone purposely not finding out for the same reason hun :hug: :hug:

same here. I haven't read anything and I am not planning too as I don't want to know details :(

Me too :(

Me 3, can't begin to imagine.
When people talk about it I have to ask them to stop.....

........please. :(

Kim x x x x
I also really have a hard time thinking about it. I saw his picture and his face just haunts me. :cry:

how could anybody do what they did to him?

When I think of even a tiny fraction of what he went through, happening to my own boy, I want to just cry.
its discusting i dont no how any mother cud so tht to her own child or even to let it happen is worser and to cover it up makes me feel sick in my opinion thy should all get tortered like thy did 2 baby p and the mother shud get sterilised thy shud make her.....wen she gets out she will still b young enuff to have more she shud never ever b allowed children ever !!
thts jst my opinion i get soo mad with the legal system wen things like this happen!!! x :twisted:
That poor boy was failed by each and every person who was meant to protect him :( I cant stop crying. He was so beautiful. WFT is wrong with people? :cry:
All your messages are just lovey tributes to that wee boy. The newsagents was just a sea of pics of him this morning. That blue jumper and that blonde hair. Beautiful, beautiful wee lad.
things like this make be bad :( anything to do with children plays on my mind for months and months. I have to try and stay away from magazines, just the title of the story will make me freeze and feel sick :(
Hearing these child abuse stories make me more determined then ever to foster and adopt children abused by those that are meant to love them.

If i had a mansion id be well on my way!
I know, he is always in my thoughts just now. The sad thing is that he wont be the last. Things need to change with child protection. They dont even do the same checks they used to do, the health visitors that is. There are social workers for adults. Social workers for children under 17 and social workers for older people. But are there social workers specifically for babies, the most vulnerable people in our society.
i am plagued by upsetting thoughts about him too. :cry: :cry: :cry: those people who did those vile things to him :puke: setting them on fire isnt punishent enough for them :twisted:
This story has really hit me too. I did cry last night after I saw his picture on News 24, and heard the words spoken by his natural father (why on earth he didn't do anything completely baffles me though). I was at the toddler group I go to with Ruby last week and there was a boy of a similar age screaming - he was having a tantrum but I just kept thinking.......and it was driving me crazy.

And there was that other one a couple of you mentioned of a few weeks ago, and the stabbings! To be honest, there are several which have stayed with me since I've had the girls; sometimes something will trigger the memory and I'll think about them.

I hope these people get what's coming to them - they're seriously not right in the head!! Death would not be good enough for them!

My first instinct is to turn the TV off if anything like this comes up too but then I think that I should listen because as a nation we owe it to these children - they've been seriously failed by their carers, but also by the system!! I was thinking the other day why I hadn't heard of this case before - when it happened, and then I realised! The very same day that useless doctor failed to notice this little boy had a broken back I had a scan and was told I'd had a miscarriage!! I vaguely remember something but I just couldn't listen, with what I was going through at the time, it was just too much.

It's awful feeling so powerless - I really wish there was something I could have done to change things for these children - I know it's stupid and absolutely not possible but there you go. I once thought seriously about training to be a social worker when I go back to work but I think I'd either end up having a nervous breakdown or throttling someone!! I don't think I'd be cut out for that!

All we can do really is give the very best we can to our own children and watch out for everyone elses. I spent two years on the preschool committee and volunteered to be the designated member to support staff with child protection issues - nothing came up but if it had have done I'd be the first on the phone!
I too can't stop thinking about it either. I've read the News Of The World today (i know) and the 15yr old gf of one of the men has 'broken her silence' and told what she witnessed. If it's true what she has said then it's totally barbaric what happened to that poor baby. She said she was too scared at the time to say anything but surely to god she could have found a way.
All these people who could have helped at the time are speaking out way to late, the real dad, the childminder and now this girl. Where the hell where they at the time?!?!?
I don't like reading about it but force myself to because I think he has been ignored enough and he deserves to have his plight heard.

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