Not been very well - going to docs PLUS OH felt baby kick!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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hey girls - did you all miss me? i had Thurs/Fri off work, been really poorly, saturday felt better but yesterday i was in bed all day, i cant seem to sleep at all, got headache, feel sick, started with cold and sore throat, tickly cough and dizzyness so not feeling too well - come to work this morning but nearly threw up and feel shocking!!

mum thinks it may be my blood pressure so booked in doctors at 5pm today!!!

felt baby kick loads over weekend....finally lol....she only ever does it at night though :rolleyes: lol but OH felt her kick twice and we could see it it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good :D

how are all you girls and your bumps?? xx
so sorry you're feeling pants.... I've not been too good myslef over the weekend but I've done plenty of relaxing and I feel slightly better today.

It's great now that the kicks are getting really strong. my DH's felt them a few times on me but I think it freaks him out a bit....he's quite squeamish! :roll:

hope all goes well at the docs :rotfl:
Sorry to hear your feeling poo hun, hope the doc sorts you out tonight. Great news feeling the kicks though. I've been feeling lots of twitches these last few days too, more twangs than kicks but it's fab to know somethings going on in there! :cheer:

Take care of yourself,

Sarah x
i did wonder where you were :) hope you're feeling better soon, noahs a little night kicker too lol so i know the feeling :hug:
awww hun :hug: i have this at the moment too its awful it started last week with a sore throat and cold and by friday it had pitched on my chest and was making me dizzy i ended up coming home from work and not back till wednesday this week hope your feeling better soon xxxxxxxx
Oh sorry you feel ill :hug:
I cant wait for OH to be able to feel pip :D
good luck at the doctors hun, hope you feel better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Do you not feel a bit silly goin to the docs... well tey make me feel it!
they say things like it's normal preggers stuff..... yeah temp with vomitting on te floor n front of everyone before passing out.... it is NOT morning sickness.... it isso different.

Like I am wasting their time! Grrrrrr rant over!!

Hope you're feeling better soon... I am sick of being in bed hahaha
How did you go on at the docs Leanne????? hope all is well
hey Chrissy hun - long time no speak lol!!

i wish i hadnt bothered to go to the doctors to be honest, all she said was that the headaches and that could be either 'stress' or 'tension headaches' and she cant do anything for me - my blood pressure was fine and she wants me to have my bloods taken to see if i am Anemic (again!!) - today is the best day i have felt for over a week! finally feeling better - just got this tickly cough which is doing my head in and also still a bit sniffly but apart from that feeling better!!!

hun im only now starting to feel better ive had it for nearly 2 weeks :( hope your better soon :hug: xxxxxxxx
~*Leanne*~ said:
got headache, feel sick, started with cold and sore throat, tickly cough and dizzyness so not feeling too well

This is exactly how I feel at the moment :cry:
Went in for my night shift....after a while went all hot and threw up!! :oops:

The people in charge said "oh its prolly pregnancy stuff"

NO IT BLIDDY WELL AINT!!!! Im having tonight off as well, Ive just woke up from 15 hours kip(!), and feel ten times worse :eek:

Work are already getting funny with preggers people going off sick from nights (I know one of them was fake coz she didnt want to do it), so am waiting to be called into office...but I feel so fluey :(

Not bothering with doctors..waste of time :roll:

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