Not been going to college..


May 9, 2011
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Okay so this past week I've had a really bad time with my pregnancy (I'm 8 weeks btw) I just feel reallyy ill and so sick (though only been sick a couple of times) and weak and dizzy etc. I've had a week off college. I knoww that pregnancy isn't an excuse and that most other girls are carrying on FT jobs and that but I really haven't been able to face it and since we're just doing A-level revision now (the year ends in two weeks any way) I've found it easier to work and do revision at home. I'm just a bit worried now though about what college will say about my attendance as I'm beginning to feel worse and might miss more time. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow, do you think he will be able to write me a sick note? x
Women can still do most of their daily activities when pregnant, but if you don't feel up to doing a certain something, I really don't think you should force yourself.

I went to work today and came home after just an hour of being there because I felt so ill. They were very understandable but I felt bad because I had a lot of time off last week.

I will go in for the rest of the week, I'd like to work. It's also a good idea to keep yourself busy to try and forget about the sickness. But of course it's a good idea to be sit down and resting in your work/college if you feel ill. Getting up and down and walking around loads did not help me at all today, my stomach was doing somersaults!

Have you told your college you're pregnant? You obviously don't have to but if you're concerned about your health and your work then you can always mention it to someone in the college e.g. nurse or you tutor.

Also yes I'm sure the doctor will write you a note. Best to get his advice on your situation too as he is the one who decides whether you work or not right now. I was told by one of my work colleagues today that I should go to the doctor and talk to him about my sickness and whether or not I should work right now. I personally feel up to working as my sickness is calming down now and I still haven't been physically sick, just feeling sick all the time.

All the best to you xxx
Women can still do most of their daily activities when pregnant, but if you don't feel up to doing a certain something, I really don't think you should force yourself.

I went to work today and came home after just an hour of being there because I felt so ill. They were very understandable but I felt bad because I had a lot of time off last week.

I will go in for the rest of the week, I'd like to work. It's also a good idea to keep yourself busy to try and forget about the sickness. But of course it's a good idea to be sit down and resting in your work/college if you feel ill. Getting up and down and walking around loads did not help me at all today, my stomach was doing somersaults!

Have you told your college you're pregnant? You obviously don't have to but if you're concerned about your health and your work then you can always mention it to someone in the college e.g. nurse or you tutor.

Also yes I'm sure the doctor will write you a note. Best to get his advice on your situation too as he is the one who decides whether you work or not right now. I was told by one of my work colleagues today that I should go to the doctor and talk to him about my sickness and whether or not I should work right now. I personally feel up to working as my sickness is calming down now and I still haven't been physically sick, just feeling sick all the time.

All the best to you xxx

Ahh okay, thanks for the advice. I know that pregnancy isn't an excuse to do nothing all day but I just figured that since it's the last two weeks of the school year and I can easily revise at home then that might be the better the option rather than stressing myself out about school? Lol, oh well, going to the docs tomorro, just worried he won't be sympathetic and think that I'm whinging :( x
Well with how bad I felt during tri 1, I know how you feel, I could barely get off the sofa. Some women just suffer more than others, and we all suffer at different times. I feel great now and nothing I can't or won't do, but I really felt terrible with the constant nausea and dizziness a few weeks back, thought it would never end! The doctor will probably sign you off, rest really does help, I slept a lot when I felt sick. Hope you feel better soon x

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