Nose tmi lol


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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So I have a fat nose during pregnancy, I can handle that. But the fat snot that goes with it no I can't!

Since breaking my nose doing a supergirl impression off a swing and hitting the ground like a dart when I was a kid I can't blow my nose so I am ashamed to say I have to pick eeeewwwwww. Trouble is I'm in danger of denuding an entire rainforest for the tissue lol

If I don't I can't breathe properly and snore like my nan :shock:. Can we use vicks during pregnancy? I know we can't take decongestant tablets :(
Haha, fellow picker here too... TMI I know sorry.

I have nasty bogies that don't come out when you blow your nose and I hate my nose being full.

Pregnancy is grim innit? :lol:
:rofl:LOL so sorry hun but that sent me into a right giggle

No dont think we can use Vicks, only cos I read a tread on here somewhere about it n I had almost used it , myabe ask in d chemist
cant use vicks but when i was all bunged up i used some olbas oil on a tissue if ur concerned just ask ur midwife! xx
I have been using the vapor rub, there is no clear evidence it does any harm applied to the skin.
My nose constantly needs blowing too!!! I've looked it up seems normal, something to do with blood vessels getting more blood in pregnancy! Ur stories always make a chuckle you remind me of one of My mates xx
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im afraid to say i pick too. my nose has quite small nostrils and one is always blocked depending on which side i slept on so i gotta keep the lil bit i can breathe thru clear and blowing just dosent do anything lol. mum said it was a nightmare when i was a baby and got a cold or bogie cos she could barely fit a cotton bud in there to clean it out lol.

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