Normal Births


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2007
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whos having a natural birth??

I thought I was going to have to have a c-section as my placenta was low but luckily it has moved and I can give birth naturally

cant wait to meet my little guy!!

Im a little scared but suppose you dont know what to expect with your first.
i hope to have a natural birth, but if emergency cesarian has to happen then i guess that's tough luck for me..

but hoping to have normal :)
i really am hoping for a natural birth and pretty soon cos im getting hacked off with having to wait
awww robyn your due 2 days after me :) Im dying to have my baby!
same here, its getting to the point where i really am running out of patience, im thinking of getting a nintendo wii this weekend to take the boredem away, at least ill have something to do.
natural birth was awesome but dont push unless contractions say so. cause i got a tear out of it :(
Thanks for the tip 8) :D

Apparently you just get the urge to push dont ya lol
Robyn_ said:
same here, its getting to the point where i really am running out of patience, im thinking of getting a nintendo wii this weekend to take the boredem away, at least ill have something to do.

i bought my DD one as a present last week and i love it really gives me something to do when im bored and also after a good session of tennis or baseball on the wii sports i get really strong BH so maybe the excersise works the same as walking and can help bring on labour.


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