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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
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sex life.

anyone else suffering this? wouldnt mind but its not even on my part, my OH hasnt touched me for so long :?

since we conceived we have had sex twice and literally nothing else in between times.

i feel so unloved at the moment and with OH being out every week, got all sorts running through my mind. ive tried talking to him and he says he is just worried that it will cause problems.

im in need of big hugs today, i feel like my relationship with OH is really struggling at the moment. :cry:
Hey love,

At 40 you don't give a crap anyways, makes me wonder how i got pregnant. As long as cuddles and an odd kiss comes along i don't care, we love each other and that does me.

Sex isn't everything, i'm sure when he's up for it you'll know :wink:
Aww Emma
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
There's some hugs (not quite the same I know)
I'm not suffering from this problem myself but our sex life has slowed down alot (but we were doing it every day before, couldnt keep that up forever!)
Have you tried talking about it? (What kind of problems will it cause?)Seems obvious but he may be feeling worried or scared about the baby coming and his life changing, who knows men are weird sometimes and they dont show their worries and stuff the same as us girls , but it's important now ore than ever that your open and honest with eachother and talk things over before they become a major problem.
My sex life is the same, we have done it once since i got pregnant and it wasnt much fun either, but we were lacking before aswell (maybe once every 2 weeks, sometimes 4) except for the week we did it every other night to conceive.

It is very frustrating and annoying, especially as i have a pretty high sex drive, but something is holding me here with him.
I think people just react differently to pregnancy.

My OH and myself have been daily ever since our first time, we're just lucky and both have high sex drives :oops: ( sorry tmi).

However, about 6 weeks ago we did seem to slow down and he seemed to lose interest, I confronted him about it and he explained that it felt different to him and felt strange that there was a baby there.

We had a good talk about it, I showed him in books etc that there were no risks, baby didn't know what was happening etc and we got a lot of things off our chests.

After that we're now back to our daily occurance :)

Hope things improve for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I haven't really had a sex drive either!! I am sure it is nothing to worry about, sending yiou big huggles :hug:
my OH went off sex too he said he found it weird with the baby in there and stuff it was really difficult cos you feel a bit neglected and unloved awwwwwwwwwwwwwwh poor me now the babies here its the other way round im always too knackered natures revenge!!??

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