No weight gain yet..?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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Just weighed myself and I weigh the same as I did at 9 weeks (not sure what my pre-pregnancy weight was but was probably similar) so I haven't gained anything yet - have other people gained much at this stage? I'm small anyway, 7 stone 4 at the moment xx
I'm having a few weight gain issues too. I don't seem to be able to gain anything yet. Surely there should be a pound of two.

I think we both suffered pretty badly with MS though so that might be it. I've a long list of food that I still can't mage to eat.

We'll just be bones, boobs and bellys!

A xxx
Don't worry. I'm 23 weeks and have only gained 4 IBs in the whole time I've been pregnant. People vary. As long as you know you are eating well and keeping active, your baby will be getting all the energy it needs. :hug:
Don't worry :hug: At 14 weeks I was my pre-pregnancy weight 9st 10lbs now I'm 10st 2lb so haven't really put on much (6lbs)

I think i've put on 4lb but i have been eating a hell of a lot of crap!! also depends on different days some days it's only 2lb, and i never had MS at all. I've have recently started getting concerned cos my belly seems tiny compared with some others but i no hes moving around in there and i'll find out in a week if everythings ok. I think wieght gain is a very individual thing, as long as everything seems fine i'd be happy your not putting much on :)
i have only just started gaining wieght thats noticeable

i didnt gain any wait at all really until around 20wks
Like BeckyJ i didnt put any weight on till around 20 weeks
ive put on about 8 ILb now which is normal the baby start to grown more in size and faster at this stage
at the beginging its just about making all the bits in the right place. then the growing begins.
If you our still concerned ring your midwife im sure she will be able to set you mind at rest.
Lol Sarah
I'm only small too, i weighed 7 stone 8 pre pregnancy and only just started putting weight on recently and i'm 29 weeks tomorrow. I've put 11lb on upto now which i still dont think is enough as i look tiny for 29 weeks but the midwife doesnt seem concerned. So i wouldnt worry. As long as your eating properly!!
Thanks - makes me feel better! Food is all I think about so I don't think LO is going without :D

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