Panicking Slightly...


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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Hi guys

have been feeling nauseous pretty much constantly for the last 3 weeks...
Then Saturday woke up feeling much less nauseous thought maybe it was just a good day then woke up yesterday feeling like myself and then today the same
I still did had a few little waves of nausea over sat/sun but generally just felt much better.. I know they say symptons can come and go but just panicking about it slightly.
My boobs are still slightly sore- but also woke up this morning having slept all the way through not dying for a wee!
Has anyone elses nausea gone less about this time? Ill be 9 wks tomorrow - so was about 8+5 when had first day of it easing off
Debating booking another early scan to check everythings ok - but dont want to at the same time....just dont want to wait til 12 wks to find out somethings wrong!
Cant take this emotional rollercoaster - some days have major panics and some days dont really think too much about it!
Hey hols, my symptoms eased off around that time, i think symptoms are different for everyone some people don't get any :)

If your concerned then give your midwife a ring she won't mind x
hey dont worry chick i had really bad morning sickness untill i was about 11 weeks on and off lol and now not as much and the boobs are the same some days they hurt like hell and some days there fine dont think its anything to worry about and as for waiting for a scan hun i know how you feel i have to wait something like 8 weeks till i can have another scan cant wait try not to worry to much and congrats on your bump xxxx
Hi hols, I had an absolutely awful day of sickness on saturday and then yesterday and today I am feeling almost 100%! I have had a few days like this over the last few weeks. I think it's normal for symptoms to come and go - just enjoy it whilst you feel well. xxx
Like the others have said I think symptoms coming and going are completely normal and most people have panicked when they disappear but then regretted not enjoying the one day of not feeling sick :) I think it's due to the surges in hormone and then it settles down so you'll get some worse days than others xxx
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Thanks guys
I know we are miserable when we feel sick and miserable when we dont feel sick!! :)
Your comments have all put me at ease a bit so thank you very much
I was feeling exactly the same! This morning my alarm woke me up and that hasn't happened for weeks as usually I have woken up for a wee before it goes off! Boobs aren't as sore today and I haven't felt sick once! xxxx
I'm 8 and a bit weeks too and very pleased that I've had better couple of days with less nausea and more appetite. Long may it continue!
Hi Hols, try not to worry too much, though I know it's easier said than done. When i was having my daughter I had hyperemesis, I was vomiting anything up to 20 times a day from the time I missed my period. Then one day, i must have been 8-10 weeks, it stopped. I felt hungry and sent my partner out for kfc and I ate a whole bargain bucket full of that greasy chicken! The following day was back to vomiting!
From what i've read from other people it seems quite normal that symptoms come and go. Have you got a midwife yet? Give them a ring if you're worried, they're always happy to reassure you. xxx

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