No symptoms.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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I keep questioning wether I am actually pregnant or not as I havent got any symptoms. I did three test, all of them came out positive but they were only faint lines. Does anybody else feel like this?

Some days I'm convinced I've made it all up and just getting fat - I have to do a hpt to re-convince myself. I think it is perfectly normal - plenty of people get to this stage without even knowing they are pregnant, so don't worry about it. I had few symptoms - sore boobs which come and go (the soreness comes and goes, my boobs stay put! :rotfl: ) but no ms. I wasn't particularly tired until this week, but I have a cold so it might just be that.

A positive is a positive as they say, whatever colour the line is, but they do get darker (I did one last week after a particulalry difficult day and the test line came up nice and strong straight away , which was reassuring!)

Rest assured that this is perfectly normal - at least I have felt that way, and i know other people here have. Just enjoy not having the symtoms whilst you can. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I went and bought SIX tests and took them away with me when i found out i was pregnant. Whilst on hols i kept testing every few days. I couldnt believe it. So yes, your in the majority i think!!

Sarah :clap:
i didnt get any symptoms this time till i was aroud 10 weeks and they dissappeared about a week or so later, i felt the same as you when i found out this time, i done about 8 tests but still could not beleive i was pregnant

take care
I've not really had any symptoms either, other than tiredness!
dont worry huni its normal iv had no symptoms at all, i was sick one day but that was it (dont even think that was m/s anyway) :pray:

Glad Im not the only one. I keep thinking I will end up going to see the midwife and she will be like "You're not pregnant". Or I will go for the scan and there will be nothing there. But I suppose the fact that my period is over 2 weeks late says it all, Ive never been this late before. Here are the first 2 tests I did, I did the third the next day and it was the same as the bottom one in that pic. I did post this on here when I first did them, but I need more reasurance.

dont worry huni it doesnt help you or baby. It looks like you have got some great test results it looks fine hun really, some women go through pregnancy with no symptoms at all except a big bump. So lets hope that we are the lucky ones without symptoms at the moment :pray:

Look after yourself and just take it easy and dont worry everything is fine :hug: :hug: x x
Hi xJodieLoux,

I just wanted to let you know - that you are definitely not alone!

I can't believe I'm going to admit this but after 6 HPT preg. tests, a LMP on 8/10 and no bleeding since and numerous symptoms (read my diary thread, link in my signature) - I still can't quite believe that I'm pregnant and am/was considering doing another test over the weekend! Barmy, eh!?

I keep thinking that I wanted it so much (even though we weren't properly trying) that my body has convinced itself that I'm pregnant - but there will be nothing there! Isn't that bonkers!

Anyway - hopefully you will have a happy and healthy next 8 months and I look forward to getting to know you better!

Valentine xxx
i didnt start getting any symptoms till about 6-7 weeks so you may still get them but your very lucky if you dont! x

I know how you feel, i was the same way with Kiara wouldnt of known except my af never came then i got huge and had a baby :lol:


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