No symptoms. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2010
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Hi all. Hope everyone's feeling positive this month...!

This is our 3rd month ttc. Months 1&2 I had sore BBs for a week before AF, feeling hungry as soon as I woke up, and headaches. Not usual AF symptoms for me. So I was getting quite excited .... then let down by :bfn: both times.

AF is due in 4/5 days but this time I've had no symptoms at all. No hunger, no headaches, and BBs are fine. Besides a couple of little twinges and a few really grumpy days, which I would get occasionally anyway. But I just can't help feeling as if something right has happened this time. Even so, I can't bring myself to try any of the 10miu ICs I got. I'm not sure how I'd deal with the disappointment again. If OH hits the spot next month instead, my due date would be Christmas Day and we've already discussed that we don't really want a Christmas baby so it'll be May before we can try again, and I'm not really the most patient type!

Anyone else think it might just be possible to have no symptoms and then a :bfp:?
Sorry cant actually help (only trying for number1) but didnt want to read and run. Maybe if its different then thats a good sign, hope its your month, fingers crossed :)
Hi hon, ur still early for testing if AF due in 4 / 5 days so test again after the weekend maybe...? Fingers crossed for u xxxx
I am the same as you, normally get AF symptoms by now, but only had slught cramps a couple of days ago. AF was due today and testing tomorrow, but I did a test yeaterday and got a BFN, so I also don't know what's happening either lol I am not getting my hopes up, but never say never!

You are still only 4/5 days away, so wait prior to a day after your AF is due before testing xx
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Thanks guys. Yeah, I was interested in your thread Babylover. Minds playing tricks on us perhaps!
its only my first month but I have had non stop stomach cramps since middle of last week, ovulated on weekend but monday I was bed ridden with pains I never have stmach cramps this bad and am not due af til 21st bbs are sore and peeing more and tonight cannot stop eating but thaat's it!
With my daughter I had absolutely no signals until the day after AF was due. I had a really really bad headache which I never get. So yes I would say it's definately possible, so don't give up hope until the :witch: arrives.
I feel the teeny tiniest bit icky right now. Could be from too much thinking about it but I'm keeping a pma anyway :)

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