No sleep :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2007
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Last night I was awake every bloody hour to go to the toilet. Its driving me insane, If it happens again tonight I may just lay ther an wet myself :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: .
Mind you I feel great this morning :cheer: makes a change
Oh dear!!
Glad you feel OK with it though!

I cannot sleep because I get terrible indegestion and acid feels like it is travelling up my throat every time I lay down.... is lovely!!
Thats a good sign the babys head is engaging well now sherry, you know cos you need to wee every half an hour! :rotfl:
me too i'm up every 2 hours for a wee! y'day we walked to the garden centre and i had 2 wee's there (its 15mins walk away) and i STILL had to stop at a pub on the way back, couldnt make it home, lol!
I've started getting up about 3 times a night now and I still have 10 weeks to go :shock:
I get up about 2-4 times a night just now and I've got years to go (well that's what it feels like!) :wall:
At least twice every night, and i have to go upstairs to the loo - old house strange distribution. :shock:
Then i have a wee - two drops, waste of time!!! :wall: :wall:
VERY Annoying but I've started waking up every two hours through the night. No reason what so ever, went to be around 11pm last night, woke just before 1am, went to the loo, back to sleep. Woke again at 3.30am, then at 4.30am and went to the loo that time. Back to sleep, awake at 6am, finally got up at 6.55am....just had enough, so uncomfortable at night now. No wonder I want him born earlier than 40 weeks!!
I've been getting up to wee about 5-6 times a night for at least the whole of third tri.

It is just more difficult now as i'm so big.

I struggle to sleep as i can't get comfy, my back, pelvis or belly is usually really painful and takes alot of effort to roll over in bed :(

I have practically given up!

i was like this last night.. :shock:

did my head in all i wanted to do was fooking sleep cos i had been up the night before in labour :wall:

How annoying isnt it, i wake ups o often before i would be able to ignore the urge and fall back to sleep( bad i know) but now i have ot get up right away .
:cry: :cry: :cry: is how I feel today
I went to bed at 11 last night went to the loo 4 times between then and 12:30 so I just buggered off downstairs and was still awake at 4:30 when hubby was getting up for work. LO was so active that it just felt as if my bladder was being jumped up and down on I have lost count of the amount of trips to the loo. He seems to be so restless, started really wriggling about 9ish and didnt seem to stop untill I went up to bed this morning. Am so tired all I want is :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
:hug: Sherry :hug: its like reading a story of my life!
I know just how you feel i get so frustrated i wanna cry it takes me hours to get to sleep and then within an hour of dropping off i wake up for a wee, or my husband starts snoring, or my toddler starts crying, i just wanna scream!!!
Give me a padded cell, a water bed, blindfold, earplugs, and a personal masseuse, and I'll happily stay there for the next 18 years!!! :D

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