Update: I’m out guys �� had really bad cramps early hours of the morning which woke me so went to the toilet and AF arrived!
My cycle was 37 days in the end I have never been that long. But I am just glad the witch arrived so I can concentrate on next month being a success.
I think I’m going to purchase seven seas they seem to have really good reviews.
Sometimes its a relief when they turn up, only after a few bfn's though, so you can crack.
Are you taking folic acid also? Will you be using opk's this month?
IVW i has mixed emotions when AF arrived. It’s only my 2nd month of TTC so atm I’m not taking it to much to heart but I’ hope I don’t have to see another BFN.
The boots own brand conception support vitamins I am taking has folic acid in it. What was you taking?
I will 100% be doing the opks religiously this time around. I found an article online tjah says you should start the opks from CD10 so that’s what I am going to do. I haven’t tested for EWCM yet I don’t know how I feel about it lol.
How long was young TTC if you don’t mind me asking?
Have you told your sister and OH yet? Xx
sorry hun, only just seen this
ok, so i was taking the pregnacare folic acid, but once i finished them in i bought the superdrug own brand, which i am still taking and there is a good £5 difference.
It doesnt matter if its the first month of ttc or the 6th its still rubbish getting a bfn, sometimes i would prefer that my AF caught me out before i even got close to picking up a test.
EWCM is literally just a substance that you will see in your udnerwear or when you wipe - it was a good indicator for me that it was time to
its like a stretchy type substance, you will know what i mean when you see it.
So we said we would start in January, but wow were we doing it wrong - i was very ignorant to the whole ttc journey. We were doing it all at the wrong times of the month.
After joinign here i learnt sooooo much and started to really concentrate on my cycles and opks' etc, and i think this is my 3rd month, so i am feeling very lucky indeed that we caught so quick.
OH needs to see it in words
but hes getting excited already
My sister is having her baby shower on sunday, so i plan to tell her after everyone has left. Ive made up a little poster that says 'sophie is going to have a cousin' she will be soooooo excited, especially after i told her i hadnt caught this month, a day before i got my positive test. Literally cannot wait to tell her
Hopefully yours will be nice and sweet, but dont panick if it goes into a few months, that is definately very normal