Any Ideas!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
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I was due on my period 5 days ago, i have never ever been late i alsways come on cd 26-cd28 , i still not come on and there is no sign off my af?? i had 5 little specles of blood about 2 day s ago but nothing since i have tested we early tests and all BFN so i cant be pregnant.?? I keep getting stitch like pains and my (.)(.) are really stinging! Im worried now as i have never missed a period ever!!! Always been regular , i been pre 3 times in total in past and i feel like i am but all tests are neg so i cant be!! I not sure what to do!! xx
Oh what a situation to be in, how frustrating. The good thing is, if there is no af then its the best sign that you are preg. I would try every test going if I were you!
One of my friends never got a BFP until a week after her AF was due.

It's not over till AF shows.
My periods are like clockwork, I can even expect them within the same hour of day 28 normally BUT not so long ago one particular month AF was 10 days late!!! My boobs were sore as well and I was convinced I was pregnant but i wasn't. Its normal to have sore boobs before or during your period. Mine were only ever sore when I found out I was pregnant with my first but now every month they are sore before AF and during OV which is strange. Hope this helps. xxx
still no af!! almost week late!! its really weird , as i never miss a period and never late!! it s horrible not knowing grr!! x

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