no preg symptoms=M/C???


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
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just a thought..... i was having a look at some of my old posts and when i was 8 weeks i posted in a thread about having no pregnancy symptoms in tri 1. sadly some of the other people that also posted having no preg symptoms are now in this mc section (Beth88/Anna23) i wonder if this is a coinsidence or could have been a sign that we were going to mc? sorry if this is upsetting but a huge light bulb went on when i read it. :think: :oops: :(
Ironic you should say that, i thought simalar however it doesn't mean your going to miscarry, some people don't get symptoms and don't realise they are pregnant till they are heavily gone like one of my friends (her son is 5 now) so i don't think it's a sign of miscarrying however i think although my body didn't naturaly miscarry i had that feeling call it's mothers intuition or something and yes my symptoms did die down just after 8 weeks i even took a test to prove to myself i was still pregnant!! :hug: :hug:
TBH hun i think its 'the luck of the draw' so to speak (or more unluck of the draw). With my first preg i had very few symptoms, with my second i was only 5 weeks so nevr have anything.

Some poeple have loads of symtoms, loads of morning sickness and still unfortunatly loose...

Hope your doing ok love xx
I had a missed miscarriage (found out at 12 weeks that baby had died at 7) but had symptoms up until about week 10 so I don't think its really an indication either way.

Unfortunately as much as we'd like there to be a sign I just don't think you can read into anything you are - or aren't feeling.
with my late m/c in january i had all the symptoms still all the way up till 16 weeks after that i felt 'normal' again i thought it was just down to the pregnancy hormones had settled abit but 3 weeks later i found out baby had died at 16 weeks. :cry:
do you think it can all change next time around or do you think i can expect to have no symptoms again? i know morning sickness can be awful for some women but i felt a little bit cheated i felt i missed out on the experience of feeling pregnant. xx and then when the symptoms are meant to settle down after 12 weeks that must be a worry...
Yes i think it depends on how your body treats it... My first one at 6 wks i had no symptoms etc mild achey boobs, where as the blighted ovum i had EVERYTHING...

Im starting to worry too as I dont seem to have any symptions, apart from very early on I knew I was expecting before I did the test... but now nothing really ! getting very worried now before my scan next week ! its going to be a long week!

:cry: :cry:

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