No ov?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Hello All,

This maybe a silly question but is it possible to not ov? I have been using a opk all month as my cycle can be from 28 days - 37 days. I didnt want to miss the ovulation so have used it all month but i am on CD23 now and still not LH Surge? I am sure i should have had it by now?

Is it possible to not ov once in awhile? I know i do ov as i have comcived all my pregnancies with in 2months of trying so far? So why no ov? :confused:
Hi Hun, sorry, I've never used OPK's but I have heard other ladies saying they dont always work for them, sometimes they dont pick anything up...
Hopefully someone will be able to give you better advice but good luck!
Thanks for posting thnis thread. My OPKs aren't picking anything up and I'm on CD 18 now. Which OPKs are you using?

I normally have 30 day periods but when using opk's, i ov on cd17 so if your periods are slightly longer you might still ovulate! Keep using them just in case!
OPK's don't seem to help me either,

What time of day are you testing? Have you tried limiting your fluid intake for a couple of hours before testing so that your urine is more concentrated?
Hi, thanks for all ur replies. I am currently using clearblue (not exactly cheap) and testing first thing in the morning at the same time every day. I'll keep trying this month to see if i'm just going to ov late but i dont pick anything up by the time my period arrives the next month they will be in the bin!! lol x
Hi Khristar, just read this online about the clearblue ov tests - don't know if it wil help to test later in the day like other OPK tests?

Step 2
Test the amount of LH. Clearblue's instructions state that the ovulation tests can be used at any time during the day, but sources such as state that LH is not synthesized until later in the day and the ideal test time is between 2 and 4 p.m.
I only used OPK's for 2 months, the first month I got a positive 2 days running and the second month only got faint lines no positives, strangely enough that was the month I got my BFP so I must have OV!!
I've read that we don't always ovulate every month, maybe 1 or 2 months in the year. We are supposed to get a lh surge in the morning but it doesn't show up on tests until around 2pm.

Although I don't really get on with opk either. I can get lines but not necessary a strong positive. But if the lines disappear the next day then you must have ov the day before.
they say between 12 and 2 is the best time to test you maybe just testing to early in the day hth :)
you shouldn't test in the morning, LH tends to surge in the afternoon. Mine seems to be about 1400 onwards. To save money I get the cheapy test strips from ebay and when they start going darker I start using my digis x
Thank you all, I think i'll see it out the way i have been doing it this month so i know for sure it didnt work and then next month i'll try diff opk and test in the afternoon. I wish they made these things clearer xxx
Hello All,

Just wanted to update you on this. Ok so i kept on with the clearblue sticks and kept using them with my fmu and low and behold on Sat morning i got a faint line. Then i tried again on Sun morning and got a very dark line :) tried again this morning and went back to a faint line like sat.

So i have ov'd :egg:

I guess it could be that i ov on CD28 and have a short LP of 10ish days which would take my cycle to 37-38days and that is my norm.

I take back what i said about putting the opk in the bin, it apears they work after all lol x

Heres to the :2ww: lol x

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