CD19 and no sign of OV


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2010
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Right so I was paniking about being out this month as I normally OV between CD15 and CD17
I was away on holiday without hubby and was certain that I OV whilst away as had a bit of EWCM and some pains,
BUT i started temping when I got home and so far I have not had a temp rise at all,

So I am now thinking that I haven't OV yet - and now being on CD19 is starting to worry me a bit,
Normally after OV my temps rise and stay up until AF.

Is it normal to not OV? For the last 3 months I have OV with no problems,

I did have a bit of EWCM last night and made sure we BD but i'm worrying myself silly now that there is something wrong with me to not OV.

anyone else OV later than normal for no known reason?
I think no matter how regular your cycles are, ovulation can always differ from month month. I usually ovulate CD 13/14 but ovulated CD 18/19 this month. It is normal to miss an ovulation cycle in periods of stress or anxiety. Try not to worry about it too much bonny, you seem to have had other symptoms to go on, so just keep those fingers crossed xxx
Thanks hun!

I guess some things are just meant to be - and maybe this was someone giving me a chance to still be in the game this month!!

Well temps rose this morning quite dramatically, so I am assuming that I OV yesterday!!
Have been BD Tues Wed and Thurs so hopefully there are enough swimmers in me still!!

Will get another BD in tonight just in case!

I am now in my 2WW!

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