No need to wait to try again, if you feel ready!


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Jun 11, 2007
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Hi just wanted to tell you all what doctor has told me. Some may not need to know this but i had no idea so im going to share it with you all.
After a miscarriage, there is no need to wait to try again if you feel ready. The only reason for waiting is so your doctor/midwife can work the dates out a bit easier, but after miscarrying you will probs be going for plenty of scans so they can find out that way so it doesnt make any difference. He also said that if your body wasnt 'ready' you wouldnt get prego so soon.

So to all wondering how long to wait... As soon as you feel ready ..start trying!

Good luck to all xxxxxxxx
Thx for that hunny,

I am waiting for my af to show so i can properly try and work dates out but at moment i have no idea where i am in my cycle , but not stopping us trying :wink:
Thats wonderful news for you, I wish you well and a BFP really soon....

There are occasions when after a messy missed miscarriage you are advised to wait a short time, Due to medical complications, But i would ask the doctor to give a reason for waiting other than dates.....

I felt so much 'better' when i was able to TTC after my losses..... Although it doesn't always happen straight away again.

Let us know how you get on, Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
I was told the same, so we have been going for it for a week now, Like you mum2be i dont know where in my cycle i am but we have still been trying. I helps me also to ttc straight after a loss, alough it might not happen for a few cycles it still gives you hope and something to look forward to.
Well that is not what the doctor told me, I was told to wait at least 2 periods, but then it may be different because I had a D + C.

I wouldn't have wanted another pregnancy straight away, the scary scans and fear/possible m/c so soon afterwards, imagine what that would feel like. So I waited for my emotional and physical health. A m/c puts your body through a lot, why not wait about a month as most people are advised?

The only time I imagine that would be ok for your body is if it was a very early loss, say 5 weeks.

I erred on the side of caution for my mental and physical health, because I have suffered with depression a lot in the past, and now 2 m/c's.

But I know that most ladies seem to start TTC straight afterwards, and those who get preg straight away seem to usually have babies that time round and not a m/c. :)
I had a D and C 1st time and was told that there is no need to wait only to make dates easier... guess everyone is diff but im just saying what ive been told.

Erm well good luck to all, and im ttc as from today so wish me luck xxxx
LOve and HUgs xxxx
:wave: hi... good luck with TTC again!

i started trying 3 weeks after m/c, its now been 9 weeks of TTC and still no joy!
but this last week, ive started AF for the first time since m/c and its brought with it some remains from my m/c !
(weird, as i was told after my m/c that i didnt need a D&C)

after showing the item to the hospital, it looks like thats the reason why i havent been getting caught out!

to be honest i now think i started TTC too soon, i think i should have waited for my first AF to try again to ensure that i had been fully cleared out :hug:

lots and lots of babydust to those trying!!! :hug: :hug:

Fingers crossed this will now be the month for me!! :pray:
Hi there

I've just suffered 2nd miscarriage, one in April 07 then one earlier this month. We waited a full cycle then fell pg immediately luckily. This time, for various reasons, I don't want to wait, and have been told that it really is only for the dating thing that they advise it.

Anyway, my question is, noticing that most of us here have suffered more than once, has anyone been given any possible explanation or tests to work out why it's happening? Or have you all been told like me, that it's very unlucky and to just keep trying?

Hope I'm not being intrusive with this question and hope it doesn't upset anyone.
I think it depends on the person, Personally i would have waited if I was further along and I definatly would have waited,

i think if you have a d and c you should wait so that your body can heal, I think that if you are further gone you need time to grieve especially if you have had a scan you will obviously of bonded with the baby.

i was personally ready after my miscarriage to start trying again, mentally and physically as a result I am lucky enough to have gotten pregnant straight away.

yes its scary at first but with each day you know baby is growing you feel more confident that things are going to work out...
if u dont wait 3 to 6 months u do pose a higher risk for another miscarriage
the ladies who get p the duff straight away on here don't seem to have more losses than anyone else, but I wouldn't have risked it just in case. But then I'd had 2 in the past so wanted to do it all as by the book as I could.
Can i just say as a pro at d&c's now i have never been told to wait to ttc again, if you are mentally ready you should go for it, i conceived my daughter straight after a d&c and she was fine i then went on to have my other daughter straight after my first and she was also fine. There is no research to say that anyone needs to wait to conceive after a d&c and there is no healing that needs to be done it not like open surgery if you ovulate after a d&c its your bodies way of saying its ready there is no higher risk of m/c again.
they told me that the uterus lining is not ready to have a placentaimplanted into it for at least three months because of scar tissue, and so you risk the chance of the placenta not implanting
Scar tissue doesn't work that way. Think of a cut on your knee. It doesn't have scar tissue when you've only just got the injury. A wound will either scar or it won't, but you don't know until you've had it for a while. It doesn't resolve into a scar/be called one until later.

It is possible to have scar tissue after a d + c which is long lasting, but this is a rare complication.

I would be more worried that the lining of the womb needs to rebuild itself from scratch or summat, and the womb get over any knocking around it's endured from the op.

But claire30 is probably right really as most ladies who conceive straight after a m/c seem to be success stories judging from this forum :)

But I saw no harm in waiting a couple of months to be on the safe side, also I hadn't been taken folic acid as our pregnancy was a surprise, so I wanted to take it for a while and build my levels up :)
I think it is a very personal decision - I got quite upset yesterday when a lady who works with my husband was trying to be helpful and give advice...she was saying that I must get tests done before we start trying again, and that we should wait a few months anyway and thats maybe why I had my 2nd mc because we hadn't waited long enough after the 1st mc. It really upset me coming from someone I barely know.

It's very easy to dish out that advice when you're not the one going through it. My sister was advised to TTC straight away in order to cope mentally with it all, she conceived immediately and now has a lovely 10 year old daughter!

Well I'm 35, 36 in December, if I wait, then I'm going to INCREASE my chances of mc as I'll be even older!!! I agree that your body won't allow itself to do anything its not ready for. I haven't been told that we need to wait this time.I think you just go with what you feel ready for.
miffy said:
I think it is a very personal decision - I got quite upset yesterday when a lady who works with my husband was trying to be helpful and give advice...she was saying that I must get tests done before we start trying again, and that we should wait a few months anyway and thats maybe why I had my 2nd mc because we hadn't waited long enough after the 1st mc. It really upset me coming from someone I barely know.

It's very easy to dish out that advice when you're not the one going through it. My sister was advised to TTC straight away in order to cope mentally with it all, she conceived immediately and now has a lovely 10 year old daughter!

Well I'm 35, 36 in December, if I wait, then I'm going to INCREASE my chances of mc as I'll be even older!!! I agree that your body won't allow itself to do anything its not ready for. I haven't been told that we need to wait this time.I think you just go with what you feel ready for.

I COMPLETLY agree, especially seeing as Im one of the ppl who has conceived straight after miscarring and I am still scared like any other, comments like "there is a possibilty you will lose it" do NOT help.

Pregnancy is a gamble in itself like Mother nature be the decider, I have seen and heard of many miracles...

P.s my Mum had a conception straight after m/c and went on to have my sister and she is completly fine...

I have miscarried I believe that hope and positivity play a major role in pregnancy aswell.

Hello again
I've had another 'friend' today tell me that the reason why i had a 2nd mc was because I hadn't let my body recover from the 1st one (we did wait one full cycle) and that I should really give my body some time off etc etc before trying again. She was talking months even a year! I know they're trying to be well-meaning but both these 'friends' are older and have their complete family and have finished having children. I find it quite upsetting as it implies I did something wrong which caused the 2nd mc.

Well we're not waiting, although not exactly 'at it like rabbits' either. Just wanted some reassurance that after 2 mc I'm not being foolish by wanting to try again immediately.

I've just had a nasty stomach bug when I think I was ov so no BDing lately - blows my chance this month anyway!
omg a year is just wrong. Anyway no-one who feels they want a baby now has that much patience. Wait a bit if you feel like it but let's face it, some of you might be younger but speaking for myself my eggs aren't getting any younger :lol:

Maybe we should wait a month or two if it seems right for you, but within reason. We have to seize the day! :)
Sharne said:
miffy said:
I think it is a very personal decision - I got quite upset yesterday when a lady who works with my husband was trying to be helpful and give advice...she was saying that I must get tests done before we start trying again, and that we should wait a few months anyway and thats maybe why I had my 2nd mc because we hadn't waited long enough after the 1st mc. It really upset me coming from someone I barely know.

It's very easy to dish out that advice when you're not the one going through it. My sister was advised to TTC straight away in order to cope mentally with it all, she conceived immediately and now has a lovely 10 year old daughter!

Well I'm 35, 36 in December, if I wait, then I'm going to INCREASE my chances of mc as I'll be even older!!! I agree that your body won't allow itself to do anything its not ready for. I haven't been told that we need to wait this time.I think you just go with what you feel ready for.

I COMPLETLY agree, especially seeing as Im one of the ppl who has conceived straight after miscarring and I am still scared like any other, comments like "there is a possibilty you will lose it" do NOT help.

Pregnancy is a gamble in itself like Mother nature be the decider, I have seen and heard of many miracles...

P.s my Mum had a conception straight after m/c and went on to have my sister and she is completly fine...

I have miscarried I believe that hope and positivity play a major role in pregnancy aswell.


But it is true hunny.
It IS a possibility to miscarry. There are alot of studies suggesting both ways.
I concieved straight away after miscarrying as well, and i lost it as well as the first 2.
I guess what I am trying to say is its only the truth. You wouldn't want your doctor to fiddle faddle around the point aye?
Erhm.... In response to the comment about the doctor not beating around the bush...

I found this comment from D. Ashley Hill, M.D., a board certified obstetrician/gynecologist and editorial board member of The Medical Reporter, is Assistant Director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology department at the Florida Hospital Family Practice Residency program in Orlando, Florida USA

"Miscarriage is common and may be caused by a number of problems. Fortunately, there is about a 90% chance that the next pregnancy following a miscarriage will be normal."

(Go here for the full article. ... e0397.html)

For those of you interested in info concerning current medical knowledge concerning miscarriages...

Its a very "medical" article (so if like some people you find the words embryo and foetus difficult to swallow, see above, then I'd advise you not to read it)

Please be aware that the only reason why your chances of miscarrying increases the more miscarriages you have, is because a miscarriage can be a sign of an underlying cause, such as, in my case, low progesterone levels....

Once this has been diagnosed and treated the % of miscarriage in a pregnancy is higher than normal but it decreases as it is being treated. Which is why I am currently pregnant, or I would have lost this baby too, especially as I have bled alot.

If you are ready to try again.. your hormones are back to normal, you are receiving BFNs on test, then you are ready to try again. The likely hood is after a miscarriage you might just not conceive because the ovulation cycle has been confused with an increase of hormones... thus rendering that cycle blank.

Please be aware that some drugs, especially cannabis, cocaine, caffeine and heroin, has been proven to cause defects in ovums and sperm, regardless of age. And with cannabis especially, if you have taken it in the last year, this can cause foetal abnormalities, which can cause a spontaneous miscarriage. Which I doubt any of our TTC's are doing because they know how much each baby means to them.

If you reduce all your risk factors, and continue having miscarriages, there might be a more underlying cause in which case you need to see a specialist for tests.

I think comments such as "If you've miscarried once, you'll miscarry again" totally inappropriate to people going through it... If anything a doctor will tell you the risk factors, reasons for miscarriage. But having a miscarriage in itself does not increase your chance of miscarrying... There is often other causes behind it and these need to addressed. Usually people with 5 or more miscarriages are offered Infertility treatment, especially if no causes have been found.

If you feel ready to try again, Try.

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