No need to get excited


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Bugger all is happening :cry:

Had a really bad night last night - poor libs got an essay of a text this morning (I didn't even ask how she was, just bombarded her with how crap I was feeling :oops: :oops: )
Thankfully she's a star and helped me put it into persepective but I'm not a very happy MM at the mo :(

No signs at all, and I have done something serious to one of my ribs - Libs mentionned it could be broken :shock: either way I can barely move and it's not fun as I have a cough and I'm literally having to grip on to whatever I can when I do cough to stop me screaming out in pain :( :(

Just feel like everything is going wrong at the moment.
Sorry for being a moaning minnie I'm sure it will all be worth it when I'm holdingmy baby but right now I barely think about Green Bean - just about me, and that makes me feel really really shit to be honest.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Awww MM, that must be so awful :(

I really hope Green Bean comes very soon so you can recover :hug:
:hug: Aww i'm sending some labour mucus plug dust your way.

Hope you feel better soon!
aw poor thing :hug:
Im 2 days overdue (not as overdue at you) but I know how you feel....
Come on green bean!!! Mummy wants to meet you now!!

I can imagine it's hard not to think of yourself cos all this affects you, physically and mentally. I wouldn't feel guilty tho... you need to think of yourself to ensure your Lo is ok (does that make sense??)
Hope something happens soon.... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww i've broken a rib before and i know how painful it can be so i can't imagine how much it hurts with a bump! Let's hope LO makes a speedy exit xxxxxxxxxxx

poor you hunny
hope things get moving soon :pray:
hope the labour dust helps
sarah :wave:
Hope u feel better soon and have ur baby in ur arms fine and healthy :hug:
OMG! Are you really 10 days overdue now? You poor thing! Come on green bean! Your Mummy wants to meet you NOW!!!
I had a dream last night that monster_munch was giving birth and that it was a GIRL so we shall see...

I keep wondering how you're getting on and worrying on your behalf. I'm not surprised you're feeling fed up either. Poor you :hug:
Have just been informed by DH that his father and step-mum are "popping round" to see us some time tomorrow :roll: (yes the ones I love with all my heart... not ;) :lol: ) so am a bit annoyed. I know he probably found it hard to say no, but I am really not in an 'annoying family visitors' state of mind. I'll have to lie and say I'm doing OK when they ask how I am and then go through the whole when I have my induction appt crap etc which will piss me off.


Who can I blame....??
Babylicious - today I am blaming you :lol:
lets hope the unwelcome visitors spur on little green bean to make an appearance :cheer: I think when you go into labour it will take you totally by suprise and be really quick - here's hoping :pray: plan to do something hun which would make having a baby really inconveniant at that time, follow the sods law rule :D

sending you tons of labour dust!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey monster munch,

I can really sympathise. I am 40 weeks plus 5. I am also hoping for a home birth and getting increasingly worried that I will end up being induced. Had a sweep on Thursday but it doesn't seem to have done anything and the midwife said I was only 50% effaced. Also as OH can't have any time off work we were really hoping the baby would come this long bank holiday weekend so he would have some time to spend with us both but that seems unlikely now.

Sooo, my thoughts are with you and I have my fingers crossed for us both.

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