No movement


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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I felt baby move a few weeks ago, not a lot maybe twice a week.... but i have felt no movements for a week of so now?!

Do you think i am panicing? I have midwife next thursday shall i wait or call now?

I am worried she will say it to early to worry or to check for heart beat etc?

Hi Keely!

I have exactly the same. I am pretty sure I felt baby 2 weeks ago, and since then nothing. Got worried, so was very relieved when I could hear the baby heartbeat :)
I think, that maybe I could feel bubba, was becourse I was being sick, and stomach wasn't full and I was sitting in a quite akward position...
When did you feel it? I mean, were you sitting for a long time, or being still? Maybe if you do the same thing, what you've been doing that time it might help?
At 15 weeks I really wouldn't worry, baby has a LOT of space to wiggle around in and it's still early days. The midwife/hospital only seem to become concerned about lack of movement once you reach 28+ weeks, dont fret babies have busy days and sleepy days just like the rest of us do.
I am no expert, but I only felt baby move a handful of times in the early stages of tri 2. Probably not until 20 - 21 weeks did I start to feel movement daily.

if you have no other symptoms that something may be wrong, I would try not to worry too much.
Carina... I was sick too and used to go to bed at 7 when Ellis did... so i was laying still on my bed.... but now i am feeling better i have been more active.

Topbird, i dont have any other symptoms thats why i feel silly to call.

Thanks girls i will just wait till next thursday to listen for bub! xxxx
Have you had a scan yet keely? you haven't posted any scan pic's or new pic's of gorgeous ellis :D
Hi Keely - I posted about this a few days ago but the baby is still so smal that when it moves you won't always feel it. I can feel mine just about every day now (since I posted I wasn't feeling it :oops: ). I really wouldn't worry, and just enjoy the peace just now - in a few more weeks you'll feel kicks and wish it would stop x
yer had a scan nic... pics where a bit blurry... (and one scan looks the same as another scan really :shhh: :lol: )

I will get round to some new pic soon xxxxxxx
:D :D :D
That is exactly what happened to me! I was sick, so about 7 pm the only thing I could do just to curl up on a sofa! Maybe due to position+sickness bubba wasn't too happy and was kicking stronger?
I felt baby moving most in the early stages when I was driving my car home from work... really odd! Maybe it was as happy to be going home as I am! :D

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