No cycle...?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2007
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I'm a tad confused....

Since having Jack in March I have had a pretty reg cycle, but I have missed my AF Nov, Dec & Jan. On New Years Day I got a BFN so am sure there's no baba.

Has anyone else had this?

We are planning on TTC#2 this Aug
I havn't had this, but didn't want to read and run. I would go to your Dr and ask them to do a blood test just to rule out pregnancy for definate. Even though you got a BFN, doesn't mean your def not pg. My step-mum was showed her baby on the scan but had a neg pg test in her hand!
Yeah... I keep thinking I should do just that. It was a cheapo test from the Spar too.

I got all worked up before I took the test too, hoping it was be pos even though we're wanting to leave it another 6 months before trying. Convinced myself that I felt pregnant.

Now I've convinced myself that I DON'T feel pregnant!

I'm confused....
Mmmm never had any experience of Spar cheapies. Can you afford to get a clearblue digi? I would imagine that would be pretty accurate.
Have bought ssome better tests today

Will give one a go in the morning!
Did my test yesterday (been rushed off my feet at work so couldn't post) and am even MORE confused than before.

I got the faintest of faint lines... hardly anything at all. Got hubby to look and see if he could see it. He said he could.

I got a faint line with Jack, but not as faint as this, and if I AM preg then I'd be 8 or 10 weeks gone...
Sounds good :pray: :cheer:

If I was you I would Test again in a couple of days as the hormones will have doubled (if you are pg) and if you get a faint line again then I would do a digi.

Good Luck :pray: :hug: :hug:
Oh wow, exciting stuff! Def sounds like a BFP to me :D I had faint lines when I got my BFP with Layla. Can you buy a digital test (clear blue) as that way you'll get a definate answer. After I had my very faint positives with Layla I ran out and bought a digi test and it came up "PREGNANT" straight away :D
charliebeth said:
I'm a tad confused....

Since having Jack in March I have had a pretty reg cycle, but I have missed my AF Nov, Dec & Jan. On New Years Day I got a BFN so am sure there's no baba.

Has anyone else had this?

We are planning on TTC#2 this Aug
Hi there Im new to same kind of situation
Hi emmab1150, welcome :D

What's happening (or not...) with you?

I'm thinking I might just call in and see the doc or nurse on my next day off... have one more test in the pack I can try but think I will wait for a week before I try it.
charliebeth said:
Hi emmab1150, welcome :D

What's happening (or not...) with you?

I'm thinking I might just call in and see the doc or nurse on my next day off... have one more test in the pack I can try but think I will wait for a week before I try it.
hi there. hope i am doing this right?,,,,,trying to concieve for 4 months. Have PCOS and 4 periods a year....not ideal....trying very hard to make babies but not happening. already have a little boy aged 5 and desp for another one to complete our family :wave:
Ahh... my bro-in-law's missus has the same. They're trying too without much luck at the moment, so hugs for you! :hug: I get an idea of how stressful it must be for you. This is winding me up and it's only a few short months!
hang in you say maybe wait a week and retest.......we are lucky to have a little one already. A reason to keep trying but stay positive I suppose. It hard to remember sometimes. I think us ladies put a lot of pressure on ourselves......smiles to u too :D

can't you just guess this would happen...

made an apt with the docs, took another test, and BANG! Hello AF!

Gutted........ :(
:hug: Sorry to hear the witch has got you! At least you know either way now and you can start afresh for next month. Good luck and I hope you get your BFP soon :hug:
charliebeth are you talking about me :D

How my little jack-bert hopes he's not too much trouble. Sad to hear about the BFN hope your af gets better soon i know first hand how frustrating it is when you don't know when you are due.

I have finnaly got my second referral to the Infertility Doc at womens for a second opinion and to try and help things along abit. Appointment is 30th March so fingers crossed. AF is all over the place but had some good news last months as my first 29 day cycle in atleast 2years. Think this wellwomen stuff may be helping but we will wait and see this month! Fingers Crossed

Hi emma1150 i know how you feel i have PCOS have known since i was 17. Not good thing to deal with esp as i struggle to plot my cycles as i don't known when my af is due. Im not sure how to tell that when i O e.t.c and always very confussed about all that stuff. Its harder aswell as i have my ovarie stuck to my womb wall so find it quite painfull when im TTC and have my af. If you ever need a chat just come and drop me a line ill try to help but not sure how much help i will be.

Good luck TTC

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