no bump at 18 weeks


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2007
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I feel so worried, there is no sign of a bump yet, not the slightest, and I'm now 18 weeks! :wall:

Nothing seems to have changed since my 12 week scan, apart from my boobs that are getting really massive. No one can notice I'm pregnant... And I'm having my 20 week scan in 2 weeks!

I'm so worried about baby's growth, though my midwife replied last week when I asked her about the size of my (zero) bump "Why are you in a hurry?". :x

I haven't felt LO yet, nothing at all, as if it's not there - though we hear its heartbeat with the doppler regularly but that's about it.

Do you think this is normal? Is there anyone else like me? I keep seeing your tummy pictures and you all have lovely bumps - it feels like it will never show! :(

Sorry for moaning - I just can't wait for things to happen anymore! :cry:
I first felt my baby at 15 weeks and Pigletpoo has only just started feeling her baby kicking and she's 24 weeks so it really can happen at different times. As for the bump, one day you will wake up and it will be there, then it will grow everyday and be massive before you know it. You know your baby is ok so it's just a waiting game for you i'm afraid but don't worry your not abnormal or anything.
try not to worry, my best friend didnt show a bump until she was almost 7 months gone, she stayed in her size 10 jeans, then all of a sudden this bump appeared from no-where and she had a healthy 8lb baby, everyones differant xxxx
aww dont worry about it hun, i was like that with my first, its very frustrating i know, all you want is to look pregnant! xxx :hug:
I didn't feel my fisrt baby kick till I was over 20 weeks. Infact the 1st time i felt a kick at all was with my hand. As for having no bump yet I really wouldn't worry. With my 3rd child when I went for my 20 week scan I was still in my normal pants. My bump didn't really start till i was about 24 weeks and he was 9lb 5oz born so no problems with his growth!
Gosh! I wish I'd had no bump for longer!! I was in Mat clothes from 8 weeks!!
A friend of mine had her first at 16, and didn't show til she was over 6 months, it does vary totally! I think it had alot to do with how fit you are, and if you have strong abdominal muscles, they just hold the baby in more than in a lazy person like me!!
Don't worry hun, it will come, then you'll wonder what you were worried about ;)
my sister got married when she was 27 weeks pregnant and you wouldnt have known, she was a size 10 and by the time she was 32 weeks she was massive so dont worry hun it will come
Anna B said:
Gosh! I wish I'd had no bump for longer!! I was in Mat clothes from 8 weeks!!
A friend of mine had her first at 16, and didn't show til she was over 6 months, it does vary totally! I think it had alot to do with how fit you are, and if you have strong abdominal muscles, they just hold the baby in more than in a lazy person like me!!
Don't worry hun, it will come, then you'll wonder what you were worried about ;)

Yeah I agree, I couldn't fit into any of my clothes from about 2 months- they all looked like cropped tops on me!!!

With my first child, I didn't show til about 4/5 months. If they can feel the heartbeat there's probs nothing to worry about hun :hug:

When you're big and hot and sweaty in the summer, you'll be wondering why you were so eager for it to happen!!! :hug:
hi hun, there is a mum i talk to at the schoola dn she is about a size 8/10 and the other day she just casually sed yes i had my 20 week scan and its a girl and we were like OMG your pregnant. seriously you wouldnt be able tell. she sed she was like this with her 2 sons as well and she doesnt normally show til she gets to 7 months. it will come eventually hun

Hey girls, thank you for your replies. You really make me feel better, knowing I'm not the only one.

It's just that whenever I say to someone that I'm 18 weeks pregnant they go like - you are pregnant?! and then they stare at my belly - which is quite flat and that makes me feel bad. :oops:

I'm a size 8 - although some of my jeans don't fit me any more lol - and I thought that if you are slim you would show pretty soon.

This morning I got sooo worried because it struck me that maybe there is something wrong with the baby's growth - it's my first pregnancy and I have no idea what's normal or not.

I guess...I have to wait and as some of you - and my husband - said: you will be soon moaning about being big and heavy so stop moaning now that you are not, hee hee :rotfl:
hey hun dont worry you bump will come! i thought i wouldnt get one now its here i will love it. i heard sometimes it has alot to do with your pre pregnancy size!
but dont worry hun :cheer:
mama2b said:
hey hun dont worry you bump will come! i thought i wouldnt get one now its here i will love it. i heard sometimes it has alot to do with your pre pregnancy size!
but dont worry hun :cheer:

Mine showed real quick so I must have been a big fatty before :rotfl:
I can feel my trousers and such getting a little tighter but no one seems to see I have a baby bump, I think it's my imagination working over time.

A friend of mine didn't show anything apart from big boobs and a tiny pot belly, no one believed she was pregnant until she popped little Kylie out!
a friend of mine, was in her last few weeks of pregnancy, she went to a ante natel class and the woman wouldnt let her in as she didnt believe she was pregnant :shock: she got a certificate off her doctor and took it back, she went the once and ended up having the baby!! i wish i would of seen the womans face :x
i was like u looking at my bellly wondering where my bump was. i didnt show till about 20weeks+ cant remember when exactly but i started wearing things that werent so baggy now people can see im preggers :)

im 5'3" and weigh slightly over 11stone now cause i got babys weight too :p but im very slim anyway so i guess it depends on your size also. boobs are filling thats good sign too :)
your baby could just be laying in a weird position deep inside you!
I am 16 weeks & was really beginning to worry as I had a tiny bump. Thanks to you all for putting my mind at rest - I shall make the most of still being able to fit into my regular clothes!

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