Not a nice subject, but need advice

:shock: omg do all kids really get them?!? i'm scared about sending my daughter 2 school now :(
I know it annoys me when people don't mention it there is no reason not to tell the school, they can't tell anyone who has them but can send out a letter letting parents know that there is a problem.

I'm lucky the boys school has a weekly news letter, and no word of a lie there is always a notice saying about an head lice infestation.

I always phone the school, tell the escort on the boys bus so that she can tell the other kids (about 6 of them) parents, and tell any of my mates who's come into contact with over the last few days.

There is no excuse for not letting people know.

i agree xsux, fiona told nursery when she took cameron and they said they would put a poster on the door, a poster was only taken down last week, i would have thought they keep it up for longer

trixipaws, the majority of children get them, not every child but br prepared most of them do im afraid!
trixipaws said:
:shock: omg do all kids really get them?!? i'm scared about sending my daughter 2 school now :(

not all kids do. i never had them at all.

mind you nit nurses were about then
I just use any conditioner. I put loads of it on my wet hair and then brush the nits out over the bath with a nit comb as they can't hold on when it gets too slippery. You might need to do it for a few days but it does work. My Mum used to buy all of the expensive treatments but the nits get immune to them and they arn't that effective then. I havn't had them for a long time but I used to get them when I was at school quite a lot and I did catch them once from work(the hospital).
i found one nit in joshs hair yesterday morning just as we were going out the door to school :roll:
hoping it was just the one though, luckily in my experience boys hair is sooo much easier to treat than girls.
i just use the conditioner & nit comb method, i even took Georgia to the doca a few years ago coz i was sick of her having them & he said use this method. :D
Have you seen the electric nit combs you can get now?? They are battery powered, and just jund of buzz, but when a lice come into contact with the teeth its gets electrocuted and killed. No problems with immunity in the lice, skin irritation, or upsetting BFing mummies!
Anna B said:
Have you seen the electric nit combs you can get now?? They are battery powered, and just jund of buzz, but when a lice come into contact with the teeth its gets electrocuted and killed. No problems with immunity in the lice, skin irritation, or upsetting BFing mummies!

yes i've seen them but the thing is this is fine for the nits but not the eggs, which in my experience (lots :D ) its the eggs that are the problem to get rid of.
i found that headrin is brilliant and it is safe for pregnant and nursing women. not available on prescription though,but it did the trick for me and my children on numerou occasions. head lice and nits are a regular part of my family, i have 2 girls who have long thick curly hair,and it is so hard sometimes to keep them clear!
aw hun. it isnt nice is it. i used to get them alot when i was younger.

i hope you get rid of them soon. when i got abit older i used to put conditioner on my hair and comb them all out. did it everyday until i knew they were gone :hug:
We are now free of them... :cheer: only had to treat cameron once... and me well i used the conditioner and nit comb, i thought i had them and didnt.. :dance:

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