nite feeds (BF)


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i sleep with the moses basket right up against our bed and i breastfeed so when millie wakes in the nite i dont hav 2 get out of bed 2 feed her. i'll normally lean against the wall with my eyes closed (so tired!) until shes finished. but i often wake up awhile later really frightened, coz i was so tired and sorta in a daze that i dont remember her finishing or me putting her down, i think i'v fallen asleep on her! its especially scarey when im on my tummy! of course i always HAVE put her down safely, its just for a moment, but i keep worrying that one day i'll really do it and squish her! should i get out of bed 2 feed her or even stand up or something so thertes bo risk? what do other BF mummys do?
I used to feed Seren lying down, then if I fell asleep she would be safe.
i feed riley in bed. his basket is next to my bed too, so i just lean over to get him and feed him.

i usully feed him propped against the headboard. but i have fed him laying down a couple of times. id do it more, but i find it hard to latch him well laying down
Olivia up until about 6 months came in with me for feeds, but now she wants to go back in her cot, so i sit up and feed her in bed then pop her back, lol while my eyes close and open every few seconds :lol:
I bottle feed Keeley and i used to feed Keeley her bottle in my bed and do Exactly the same as you i use to jump up then realise she was in the cot :oops:
I used to feed him lying down when he was in with us, but I dropped off a couple of times sitting up & was convinced I'd dropped him. I think you'd hear if you actually dropped her though :wink: .

Since Austin's been in his own room if he wakes up for a night feed I have to get up. If it's after 5am I just bring him into our bed for the last couple of hours, otherwise I try to feed him & put him back in his cot.
If I'm very tired I will feed Isaac in our bed, but otherwise I like to get up and have a little chat and things with him, and because sometimes he needs his bum changing. I'm sure after so long of the routine you have trixipaws you'll be just fine :hug:

I did consider getting one of these in the early days; ... dZViewItem
..don't know if they sell them in the UK :think:
I sit up with D mostly coz we have never got the ang of feeding lying down..In the early days i used to get A to make me a cup of tea of my really tired feeds and that helped i am wide awake and struggle to get back to sleep
I feed bailey propped up, if i lay down with him on my side, im worried i'll suffocate him, or he'll fall out, i fell asleep doing it last week and i shit myself, he was still next to me but had finished feeding and i cant remember for the life of me him finishing! so now i prop myself up with plenty of pillows, and most of the time he has a nappy change as well, so i need to be fully awake to do that..

bailey feeds about 4-5times a night, and i agree it is so tiring! :sleep:
Redshoes said:
If I'm very tired I will feed Isaac in our bed, but otherwise I like to get up and have a little chat and things with him, and because sometimes he needs his bum changing. I'm sure after so long of the routine you have trixipaws you'll be just fine :hug:

I did consider getting one of these in the early days; ... dZViewItem
..don't know if they sell them in the UK :think:

they are really good, i want one.. redshoes you buy it lol and send it on to us :lol: wont let me buy it cos im in uk.. :evil:
I have exactly the same fear and wake up thinking I have dropped her off the bed!
I have the basket next to the bed and just sit on the edge of the bed to feed but don't get too comfortable in case it sends me off to sleep.

The fear has started to ease off now - I think it is just the anxiety of being a new parent.
Charlotte was doing 3 hours between feeds at night and was quite regular. Last night she went nearly 5 hours - but I woke up at the usual time expecting her to want to feed! I couldn't get back to sleep then, so wasted a couple of hours of potential good sleep worrying that she was asleep! Hopefully if its the same tonight (please.....) I'll be better prepared.
I feed Alex lying down in bed, if I fall asleep then he stays in with us, if I'm still awake when he finishes then we've started popping him back in his cot as I sleep deeper if he's not there.
i feed renee in bed, she sleeps with us and when she's want feeding i'll just get my tit out and feed her, i feel safer knowing that she's in the bed. i usually wake up before she starts crying ( weird)

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