Nipples are leaking


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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Really random and probably very weird but my nipples are leaking and I actually got a bit excited! I really want to breast feed and was worried because I hadn't had any leakage at all. Also makes me feel as though I'm getting close to meeting my little man xxx
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Aha! I felt the same when mine started leaking about a week ago :D. It's so exciting!

I am actually hoping mine leak more the further on i get too... i only get leakage if i squeeze lol! So hoping that my boobs just wanting to keep hold of it until munchkin is here!
See I am not leaking and it is worrying me:shock:.... I sound crazy don't I!?

But yay for leaky nipples! x
Don't worry Karate Kid I was exactly the same, I've only just noticed mine so you have time. I was so chuffed and then laughed at myself, the things us pregnant ladies get excited about ay :) xxx
I've also definitely noticed my boobs are suddenly much heavier, my OH couldn't stop staring at them last night! Not sure he'll want to go near them now they're leaking though :) xxx
Don't worry Karate Kid I was exactly the same, I've only just noticed mine so you have time. I was so chuffed and then laughed at myself, the things us pregnant ladies get excited about ay :) xxx

Well I am on boob watch now!! I blame the hormones for the randomness!! x
See I am not leaking and it is worrying me:shock:.... I sound crazy don't I!?

I feel the same way... no leaks yet, and I'd quite like to see at least some sign that my boobs are up to something useful. Not a peep though. I'm hoping my milk will come in just in time! x
I've been leaking since 16 weeks. Lots of leakage too! Xxx
no leakage here :( i feel like i'm missing out haha!! x
i started leaking at 24 weeks and now im constantly on boob watch :x for any leaks on my top which in past few days has happened alot :eh: x
Iv had no leaks either. Even gave my nips a squeeze the other day but nothing. Worries me slightly!!
No leaks here at all. Still hoping that milk appears when needed though cos I really want to feed LO.
Not one leak when pregnant, been successfully bfing for 4 months. Don't worry it'll come :)

I never leaked either, and I'm bf as well. Some people just don't. xxx
with my 1st i never leaked until i was around 36 weeks and it was only a little but as i said before this time it started 24 weeks i would'nt worry about it :)
Don,t worry about not leaking girls, I never have and bf my boys till 11/12 months, and had plenty of leaks then, my poor oh woke up to a wet bed more than one occasion so no problems with milk supply lol
It's good to hear from the ladies that are/have breastfed :) Got my antenatal class on breastfeeding tomorrow eve and the lady running the class has just sent me a load of info and there seems to be quite a lot of support in my area, which I'm pleased to see xxx

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