nipple stimulation


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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I wont be tryin this unless i go over due or nr term hehe.. but just readin up on natural ways to induce labour.. this being one of them..

Nipple stimulation

Nipple stimulation is the gentle rubbing or rolling of the nipple to encourage the start of contractions. The theory is that oxytocin, a hormone that causes contractions, is released in the body when the breasts are stimulated.

Is it safe?
Nipple stimulation has been reported to produce very strong contractions and for this reason you should use it with care. However, a study of 719 women found that there were no problems of this sort following nipple stimulation.

Does it work?
The study mentioned above was thought to be too small to draw concrete conclusions from, but did show a significant benefit from nipple stimulation: 37.3 per cent of women who had tried it went into labour within 72 hours as compared to just 6.4 per cent of those who had not.

How do I try it?
The idea is to simulate the suckling of a baby so you need to massage the whole areola (the dark area around the nipple), not just tweak the nipple. Place your palm over the areola and move in a circular motion, applying a firm but gentle pressure. This may need to be continued for some time. The usual recommendation is 15 minutes of continual stimulation on each nipple each hour for several hours.

Does anyone know of anyone whos tried this, and being successful? i presume its just like all other myths.. for eg.. you have to be kinda ready for labour, and this may/may not encourage it xxx
hi, i tried this with my last baby and it caused contractions that were painfull and uncomfortable, it didnt send me into labour though and the contractions i got with doing this no where near compare to the real thing. I guess if the baby is ready to come out then this would work.
you work on one nipple at a time and swap every 20mins, but stop after 2 hours, not sure why though. i cant guarentee this has the same effect on everyone.
very interesting, its mad to think it causes contractions, how far gone were you when u tired this?
and how long after till you went into acutally labour? xx
i was ony 38weeks when i tried it, my other 4 were born prem at 33weeks, 35weeks, 36weeks and 37weeks, all healthy and weighing between 5.11 and 6.4
With baby number 5 I was massive and at 35weeks she was estimated at 7n half lb and i just got really fed up of waiting, i couldnt move and it was so hard looking after the other 4 children and being pregnant, plus my husband woked at night and slept throughout the day. I got desperate and i know i shouldnt of done it but like i said i was desperate. I didnt go into labour though untill 39weeks. I guesse by then she was ready.
You dont have to justify yourself hun,

your term from 37weeks and baring in in mind you had your others early, its no suprise hehe..

does it hurt when doing it? i can imagine friction would occur?
I had a go at this the other day but I'm so sensitive in that area I had to stop after 10 minutes :lol:

Given up on the idea of getting baby to come early now, just enjoying the peace and quiet and sleep while I can :sleep:
i might do as you did lol, i cant imagine having to do it for 2mins let alone 15 lol..

suppose they'll come when there ready, :-) xxx

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