nipple shields and breast pumps


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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Hi, i'm going to be BF and got a few questions.

Does everyone that BF use a breast pump too?

Also it seems sore nipples is common, any views on nipple shields/creams?

thanks :D
I never needed a breast pump, as for the sore nipples it doesnt last long but is really sore when baby 1st latches on for about a week or so, once feeding is established there is no discomfort at all. If you do get sore nipples my MW last time recomended comillosan (sp) you can get it from boots in a little yellow box if i remember right, and that helped with the cracked nipples for me. HTH

i had to use a breast pump for both my boys i was producing milk by the gallon and they both couldn't take it all off,

as for the cream the one that bonny mentioned in the yellow box was recommended to me, it did work my nipples did get very sore and they bled but just get passed about a week and they harden to it, i breast fed then, till they were about 6 months.
i had flat and inverted nipples.. bought sheilds and nipplette..and havent had to use either.. its all about being able to latch the baby on properly.. which i had bad problems with.. had to go stay over night at the birth centre i think the best way to describe what i need to do to get him on properly.. is scissor my fingers under and over my nipple..just above the areola.. lift my boob with the same hand. squeeze my fingers so my nipple gets squashed then shove it all in his mouth.. he sucks and i slowly take my fingers away.. im also big busted about a G so i put a rolled up flannel under my boob..

my nips killed the 1st 4 days he sucked them raw coz he wasnt latched on properly..since.. they are fine.. its all aobut the correct latch and its true.. if they arnt latched on properly it hurts.. if they are on properly it doesnt..i have a breast pump.. and when im full i express..i got a cheap one off ebay..
Hi :wave: I'm the nipple shield queen. I use them for flat nipples, not to prevent soreness, but with them I've not had much soreness problems either. I couldn't really breastfeed without them so I can't compare to soreness without.

The first few days when I didn't have them it was really tough but the nipple cream was fab. I have the avent one. I don't have to use it very often nowadays but when I do it always takes the edge of the discomfort.

Breast pump... I got mine off ebay as I had planned to express quite often but wasn't sure at the beginning if breastfeeding would work for us, so I didn't want to spend a lot on a new one. I have the avent isis manual pump. I am glad I have it as it has come in handy when I've needed to express for a night out, or express after he has had a formula feed and I'm really engorged.

Hope that helps? :D

ps- breastfeeding is a fab bond with your LO, the look they give you when you're feeding them is amazing. hope it works out for you xx
Fortunately I never had any nipple problems :D The midwife even said I was going to get cracked nipples because of my fair colouring, but I didn't! She gave me some sachets of Lanisoh (?) which is supposedly great.
I have a breast pump (manual Avent one) and I have hardly used it so far.

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