Nipple piercing..?


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2010
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Well I've got quite a few piercings and since my bump has been getting bigger I decided to take my bellybutton piercing out because I was scared it would pop off itself at somepoint hah! But I'm not sure what to do with my nipple piercing.. I'm wanting to breastfeed (or try my best to) when baba is born so I'm guessing it's best to take it out..? Any girls out there with a nipple piercing..whats your plans?

To be honest I don't think I'm too fussed about losing the piercing, I will miss it, but if its gotta go its gotta go :) xx
i have seen woman go right to end with belly buttons done, ur brave to have nipple done meant to really hurt maybe feed out of one nipple and exspress out the periced one? maybe u shud talk to ur midwife? xx
I reckon you could keep it in and just take it out to feed :) I had both mine done and fed fine from them, but they were taken out a while ago. When you have your nipples pierced though, the holes never fully heal so Im assuming it wont matter even if you leave them in up until the birth. :)
I dont have my nipple done but i do have my bellybutton done and im still wearing it but will be changing it for a pregnancy bar this week when it arrives. I would have a chat with your midwife about the nipple one
i took mine out because my boobs got so swollen after i had my little girl. i have a hood piercing done and left that in at the birth and was just fine x
I have got a belly button piercing and got the plastic maternity bars for it which worked a treat! I'm not sure on nipples agree to check with midwife whats best.
Thanks girls, seeing the midwife in few weeks, I'll ask her about it :). Yeah I considered the pregnancy bar for my bellybutton, but at the end of the day when my bump started getting big I wasn't fussed about keeping my bellybutton piercing in and felt more comfy without it anyway.

I just read on the internet it can get sore breastfeeding and putting a piercing in and out might irritate the boob... I guess I could just try and if it starts really hurting just not bother putting the bar back in. Hmm will ask midwife anyways :) xxx
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Sorry, dont have advice, but have to say you girls are all very brave, I cant handle the pain very well at all.
And could not even imagine having nipples pearced, mine had always been very sensitive.

Guess who will be screaming for an epidural?
Hehe knopk I will probably be screaming for the epidural too! I think giving birth will push my pain threshold like! Xx

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