Night time snacking


Aug 15, 2006
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I am 9 weeks and have been suffering from m/s since week 6. I haven't actually been sick but I feel sick all the time and can hardly eat anything. It's eased off a little thanks to wearing travel sickness bands 24 hours a day, but I still struggle to eat. I force down toast in the morning, tomato soup at lunch, more toast and bananas... But the problem is that at night my stomach is so empty that I can't sleep. I'm waking up every two hours and I can't get back to sleep unless I eat - but I'm too tired to eat, feel too sick etc. I usually manage a riveta each time I wake up but it only keeps me going for about an hour or so. I was awake 5 times last night (is this normal?) and now feel soo tired. Luckily I'm not back to school (I'm a teacher) for another two weeks, but I'm dreading it if I go on having such desturbed nights.

What can I do? What's a good thing to eat before I go to bed that will keep my stomach full for longer? Is there something I could drink?

Sorry this has turned into abit of a moaning post...this whole pregnancy thing is not as much fun as I thought it would be!

Jennifer :(
Porridge is full of oats and releases energy slowly, so should keep your tummy happy through the night.

If you've never tried it, you can buy ready made from the cereal aisle, and just add milk.

Try with warm milk before bed. I prefer unsweetened. Are we allowed honey? If so, you could stir some in.

It's a bit like eating creamed rice.... goes down easily.

Good luck. You have my sympathy. I've been sick 24/7 since 5wks, but seem to sleep through okay (with the exception of the occasional digestive biscuit, and my 2yr old daughter)

Sharon x.
i used to do the same i would wake up and eat digestive biscuits or something like that. good advice from mum first, i say if your hungry then eat!

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