night time routine


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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I was just wondering wot ur getting to baby routine was,
i am wondering if i changed B's if he would sleep
I don't have a strict routine but in general, Rubie gets bathed and in her PJ's around 7:30/8:00, sometimes earlier, sometimes later. She then has her last feed around 9 or 10pm (sometimes misses this feed altogether and she is already asleep and doesn't wake). I carry her up to bed with me at about midnight and wont hear a thing from her until between 4am and 7am.

Although she goes to sleep downstairs and I carry her up, she still sleeps brilliantly. I lower the lights, turn the TV dow and leave the room while she drops off and we never have problems getting her to sleep. I just can't bring myself to pt her upstairs on her own yet.
ewan has solids at 5, bottle at 6.
6.45 upstairs bath if bath night otherwise change to bed clothes clean teeth , top n tail.
7ish small feed 7.15 bed. and usually asleep by 7.30

all this is give or take 15mins

Once he is upstairs if he winges i don't bring him down again, i want him to learn once its bed time he doesnt come back down stairs again.

Kim - be careful - i did this with ewan and as he got older he would just stare at the tv and i had a horrible time getting him to his cot and to sleep
I know I am probably making a rod for my own back (God I HATE that phrase lol) but I just can't put her up on her own, I feel sick at the thought of doing it. I put her up once and she cried so I brought her down and I felt mean for scaring her. She's a really good baby and would proably be fine it's just me :oops:

She doesn't really look at the TV, I turn her away from it or she looks at her mobile, which I attach to the sofa.

I know I should start putting her upstairs soon but how do I do it when I feel like this about it???
why not try sitting with her - see how she goes - ewan screams sometimes but i'll stay and calm him. then leave him.
You could gradually move your self out of the room.

Could become difficult to have guests if she sleeps in the front room!
Naomi usually wakes at about 7 30 am and lies playing till about eight when a few sharp reminders to Mom say that she needs her bottle - so she's changed and fed at eight. She usually has her dirty nappy at around 9 or 9 30 or so, so if it's a bath day I'll bathe and dress her then. She will sit up in her little chair for a while (she has just learned how to rock it herself which is hilarious to watch) and starts to get sleepy at around eleven so I put her down for a little nap and she's usually awake to be fed at around twelve.
Twelve to four is my go into town time so I normally put her in the pram or the car depending on the weather. Either way, she will sleep until 4 or a bit later when she gets her third feed of the day, and she will stay awake between five and nine or so, playing and generally having her mat and tummy time etc. Then I change her, feed her and put her up in the moses basket, so she's usually gone off by about 10. And she sleeps until the next morning!

Ah bliss*S*

Though it has its glitches - like the night she took half a bottle at half past eight, we had been on a long car trip, so she fell asleep then and didn't wake up untl 9 the next morning! 13 and a half hours! :shock: She was STARVING all day, didn't stop grizzling between feeds and was generally a cross little bunny. But that doesn't happen very often.

We bath Ella at around 7-7.30pm, give her a bottle of expressed milk around 8pm which takes anything between 30 mins to an hour for her to take. Put her down upstairs in her cot by 9pm and she sleeps til 8-9am the next morning. Having a routine for her really helps in the evening.
OMG I've put Rubie upstairs in my room in her moses basket tonight. I put her up 20 minutes ago and left the room, I haven't heard a peep from her since :shock:

I guess I am very lucky that she will go to bed so easily but I am not coping very well, I feel like crap not having her down here with me, I miss her so much :(
yeahhhh,well done Kim.
Im sure she'll sleep like a log!
Awwww Kim - she will be fine. (I know what you mean though you cant help but worry about them) We put Heidi in her room when she was 5 weeks cos she made sooooo much noise when she was sleeping that none of us (even the dog lol) got a decent nights sleep! :cry: I have to say everyone has had a better nights sleep since she went in her own room :)

The only thing is though I lay there with the baby monitor strapped to my ear all night lol - so every noise - i'm up every 5 minutes checking she is alright. You will have to let us know how you get on.

Is Rubie still fitting well in her moses basket? Heidi is definately starting to fill hers! I dont want to put her in the cot yet though cos it seems way to big for her - and for some reason just sticking her in it in just her grobag doesnt seem right somehow - feel like I will need to tuck her in or something so she is cosy - what does everyone else do??!!!! :?

L x
Hey there reading this frankie is getting a bit big for her moses basket too now and my o/h is the same and doesnt want to put her in th cot as yet at the minute she is wearing her growbag of a night time to sleep in and i would be the same as you lisa by not wanting to do the same and putting her in her cot like it i remember when my little boy went into his cot he was wasy to tiy to be in it and i never used to know what to do regarding his blankets etc as the same with frankie too. :?
Hello again Flossy!

I'm going to put a post up to see what the other girls did!!??!!! with regards to putting them in their cot with the grobag!

L x
Well last night went exactly to plan, it couldn't have gone better. I put her in her moses basket in our room after her feed at about 8pm (awake) and I didn't hear a peep from her until 2am, when she had kicked her covers off (first time she has ever done this) so I put her covers back on and she slept til 5:15 when she woke for a feed. She's such a clever girl.

I was an absolute nervous wreck though and wouldn't put the TV on in case I couldn't hear her on the monitor (I also have one of those video ones so Ican watch her lol). Then I went to bed at 9:30 cos I missed her :oops:

Lisa - yes she does still fit in her moses basket, just!! She is fine if she sleeps in her 'frog' position, but if she stretches her toes touch the bottom lol.

I have massive issues about putting her in her own room, I can't see it ever happening lol (although she will have to when she is too big for the moses basket cos the cot wont fit in our room)

It's one big worry isn't it lol
Kacy has a bath about half seven if its bath night sometimes earlier depends if she is tried or not then she is in her cot by 8 some times about half seven if she is tried and falling asleep downstairs, feed her about half 10 then don't hear a peep out of her until 8 the next day
Kim - did you do it again last night??? Where did you normally put her for day-time naps?

I know what you mean about them being in there own room - I sleep with the monitor glued to my ear (I have it attached on a nail in the wall next to my bed!! :roll:

I worry because they do recommmend they sleep in your room until 6 months but Heidi was making so much noise and kept being disturbed in our room by the boiler in the airing cupboard, and the dog jumping on and off the bed - not to mention us going in and out - so we decided to move her into her own room at 5 weeks. It is working out well so far.

Does Rubie sleep on her tummy then - you mentioned a frog position!?
Hi Lisa,

Yes I put Rubie to bed last night on her own again, and she was just the same, I didn't hear a peep from her.

In the day time, she sleeps in her car seat if we are out, or her Rocking chair if we are in.

Rubie sleeps on her back but I just mean that she has her legs bent and out to the side if that makes sense???

This is the chair she sleeps in:

Hi kim

Sorry for the late reply - Heidi the little monkey is still not too good so I have been busy trying to work out whats wrong (still dont have the answer!?) I have ordered a swing now though in the hope that will settle her a bit in the daytime.

Your rocker is similar to mine (well Heidi's!!) she also sleeps in it too. I have started to try and get her to nap in her room though as she does sleep better in there. Problem with that though is that I cant see her :( - so I am up and down the stairs for most of her nap!

Heidi loves her car seat - I usually only have to put her in it and she falls asleep. Same with her pram (I have one of the old fashioned ones with the big wheels and suspension) put her in there and that sometimes soothes her.

Hope you and Rubie are well

L x
Hi Kim

Yes, I saw that - trying to persuade D/H he says Im too paranoid! I think its cos his Mum has fostered babies for about 20 years and she never used monitors etc etc :? - so he is used to her not worrying about them. Dont get me wrong of course he worries about cot death etc but I am a born worrier.

I noticed whilst flicking through the Gina Ford book that cot death reaches its peak between 2 and 4 months so of course I am now beside myself with worry about that now :roll: and want to move her back in our room. It would be daft to do that now though as she likes it in her room/cot. In fact, she woke up earlier so I started getting her bath ready, and when I went back in the room she had gone back sleep!!!

I am testing out bathing her in the morning and not at night in case it is over stimulating her before bedtime. However I gave her the bath and then bottle and she has fell asleep again! I wish she was like this at night :?

How are you doing?

L x
Hi Lisa.

I don't want to harp on about Rubie becuase I know what a tough time you are having at night. But Rubie really is such a good girl. I have been putting her up at 8pm for a week now and she has always gone straight off and not woken till approx 6:30 for a feed then back to bed again til 9am ish. Tonight was the first time she has cried when I put her to bed and I must admit I did bring her back down as I couldn't hack it. I tried her again half an hour later and she cried again so I brought her back down again and tried again half an hour later and she went off fine. I think she just wasn't tired. I know people will say I did the wrong thing bringing her down but I don't think she would cry unless she was really upset as she never does, so I couldn't just leave her, it would break my heart...

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