Night Terror


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2006
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My daughter had these but she was 3 years old, the doctor explained that they are basically bad night mares and yes the child is not aware of the situation at all I was told not to wake her but comfort her and put her back to bed, not alot of help I know.More scary for me the doc said.Maybe as baby is so young you should see your gp if they continue. Mollys started when she first went to nursery built up alot of anxiety about it , has there been a sudden change of routine to set it off? Hope fully its a one off.
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Hope it was a one time only thing cause its not nice to watch and not beable to do anything,(had me in tears most times) sorry i can't be any more help. xx
Believe it or not, I actually vaguely remember having one of these as a child - I can only remember bits though. Apparently this happened a few times but I can only remember this one time.

I remember getting up and going downstairs into the living room....but I kind of wasn't awake. My eyes were open, but I felt like I was dreaming almost.
My mother took me back upstairs to bed....only it was like a dream and reality were mixed into one. There were scary "nicorette men" everywhere (I don't know if any of you remember, but the nicorette adverts used to have little cartoon men in them years ago....well they are the ones I mean). They looked demonic. I felt like I was awake but my dream had followed me into the "awake world"....does that make any sense?
Anyway I was absolutely terrified.
I was aware vaguely of my mother's presence next to me, but I couldn't see her - it was all black where she was.

Anyway I can't remember more than that.

The next day my mam said that it was almost as though I had been sleepwalking, but I was sweating and trembling and my eyes were wide open, and that I kept telling her that she had a hole in her nose :shock: (now I do NOT remember saying that!!)

She says that she thought I was posessed :roll: so she put a crucifix around my neck and immediately as she did that, I shut my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.
She's convinced the crucifix saved me......

aaaanyway, cricifix or not, I think this was probably a night terror. Sounds like it anyway. It's bizarre how I remember being in it (well partly anyway).

My mam said I'd been like that a few times before but that was the most severe - I don't remember any of the other times though,
Thats really interesting. I always thought night terrors was the american way of saying nightmares!
Sophie sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night screaming that lound u nearly shit myself everytime!!!

i have just been putting it down to her having a nightmare :( poor thing she seems so little to be having nightmares :hug:

Aww how scary I beleive Kiara had this a few times she acts real different and scares me and i remember reading not to pick them upmuch or talk to them , disturbing them can be harmful so i just placed my hand on her till she drifted back off. Hasnt done this in a while though
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Hope it stops for him i know it can be a little freaky .
wondering if this is what Ella had had a few times but not as bad as that, there was no sweating or fast breathing, she sometimes cries in her sleep and sits up but she is still asleep with her eyes open then she topples over!

Sounds quite scary though from the website, thankgod they dont remember or arent aware of it!

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