Faye - You poor thing! everyone keeps telling me that is going to happen anyday now - that I will wake up cos I havent heard her. I really hope so, cos usually the D/H has to wake me because I sleep so deeply when I'm exhausted.
Hi Mel! Just replied to two of your other posts!!!!
Perhaps Maheen prefers to be swaddled. My friend's daughter did - she like being wrapped up really tightly. Heidi cant stand it - she struggled to get out of the swaddle about a minute after being born (I remember my mum commenting on it!!) The little madam loves kicking her covers off - that's why I bought her a grobag!
Maybe you could try Maheem with one when she's a bit older. I'm not sure at what age they decide they dont mind if there not swaddled?! I wished Heidi did like being swaddled cos I felt safer really tucking in the sheets and blankets but she just used to cry until I'd loosend them!!!
L x

Hi Mel! Just replied to two of your other posts!!!!
Perhaps Maheen prefers to be swaddled. My friend's daughter did - she like being wrapped up really tightly. Heidi cant stand it - she struggled to get out of the swaddle about a minute after being born (I remember my mum commenting on it!!) The little madam loves kicking her covers off - that's why I bought her a grobag!
Maybe you could try Maheem with one when she's a bit older. I'm not sure at what age they decide they dont mind if there not swaddled?! I wished Heidi did like being swaddled cos I felt safer really tucking in the sheets and blankets but she just used to cry until I'd loosend them!!!
L x