
Faye - You poor thing! everyone keeps telling me that is going to happen anyday now - that I will wake up cos I havent heard her. I really hope so, cos usually the D/H has to wake me because I sleep so deeply when I'm exhausted. :)

Hi Mel! Just replied to two of your other posts!!!!

Perhaps Maheen prefers to be swaddled. My friend's daughter did - she like being wrapped up really tightly. Heidi cant stand it - she struggled to get out of the swaddle about a minute after being born (I remember my mum commenting on it!!) The little madam loves kicking her covers off - that's why I bought her a grobag!

Maybe you could try Maheem with one when she's a bit older. I'm not sure at what age they decide they dont mind if there not swaddled?! I wished Heidi did like being swaddled cos I felt safer really tucking in the sheets and blankets but she just used to cry until I'd loosend them!!!

L x
I love them too, they are great and I have peace of mind as well. Couldn't wait to get Jayden in the cot in one as she kicked the covers over her head one night and I was really worried she'd do it again and soffocate. They are great to transport her about and the past few nigts she has ha dto sleep with me so I can just pop her on top of the duvet in her grow bag and know she is ok.

I got mine from Asda too, both disney for about £10 and had one given to me as well.

I was just shopping for a 6-18 month grobag and discovered that kiddicare have some at half price which is pretty cool. They're also giving away free sun shields for the car (with their advert on but hey!) but you have to find that and add it to your basket if you see what I mean (they don't tell you about it on the checkout page).

Anyway they have the Home Grown baby one 0-6 months for £9.99 and To the Moon 6-18 months for £12.50 which is more like it!

Just thought I'd pass it on!

Our room is about 21 degrees. I dress Seren in a long sleeved sleepsuit and put her in her grobag, which is a 2.5 tog.
this is exactly what i do too! i love the grobags, and ruben does too! i have one original brand grobag which is great as it has a travel feature so it can be used with a 5 point harness like in a car seat, and one cheaper one which i use when the other one is in the wash.

MW tells me off for not putting her in a vest too
why??? i have never put a vest under ruben's sleepsuit. too much faffing if his nappy needs changing in the night, plus his room is warm enough - it's not like we don't check to make sure our babies are a comfy temperature is it??? bloody MWs, i never got on with mine! i'm lucky though, have a fab HV although she is VERY "must not give solids before 6 months" which i disagree with as i think every baby is different!

sorry i went off on one there completely not within topic! lol

grobags are fab though, that's what i meant to say! lol
The answer to your WHY??? Petchy is cos she is a grumpy set in her ways old battle axe!!!!!!! I agree with your reasons for not using a vest!
I use a vest, i would hate for the temp to drop in the night and Jck be too cold, i use one for Amy as well.

I didn't like my growbag, i paid 25 quid for mine and used it once, i'm paraniod their arms get cold!
I use a vest too becuase even if the room appears warm it can always drop and you also lose a lot of heat while sleeping. I also like the idea that it is holding the nappy in place lol. I don't like the idea of grobags, but that's probably because of the ridiculous amount of money I spent on cot sheets :wink:
Seren sleeps with her arms out anyway so she always has xcold hands - its a nightmare when I fed her at night as she puts them against me and they are like little ice blocks.

I don't put a vest on but that is only because my room gets quite warm at times and it would be easier for me to put a blanket on if it got really cold, instead of having to take a layer of clothing off if she is too warm. Am always obsessing about her overheating :oops:
Rubie always tells me when she is getting too warm, she just wakes and cries. It's like she has a built in alarm. But I'm forever up and down out of bed looking at the temp thingy on the wall and removing/adding a layer of blankets or opening/shutting the window lol
Im terrified of Charlie being too hot, which she often seems to feel.
I didnt mean to offend about the comment about my MW, she has made many snidey comments to me, and always starts with 'well, with my childen...'
Midwives annoy me, i know they are trained but most of them don't have kids of their own. not evey child is text book
Hels you haven't offended me, I hope I haven't offended you lol :D tell ya :wink: LOL....only joking!
I just wrote before i thought...typical Helen!
Ive always put a vest on Jess except for the hot summer months. I do prefer the sleeveless ones though.
Im a bit confused with the temperature thing as Heidi's room varies from up to 20-22c.

From your posts I notice that some of you put your little ones in a sleepsuit and a 2.5 tog and you have similar temperature rooms to me??!! :shock:

On the back of the grobag thermometer (which comes free with the grobag - it says for a room of that temp use a 1.0 tog bag and a long sleeve bodysuit (from their illustration that is one with arms but no legs) - but I actually call them vests.

That sounds sooo confusing doesnt it!!?? I hope you all understand what I mean!!??

What I want to know is what I am dressing heidi in too cold for the temperature of the room.

L x
Our room is about 20 - 24 degrees and rubie wears a short sleeved vest and a sleepsuit, plus 1 or 2 blankets depending how hot/cold it is. She tells me if she is too hot. hth

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