Night feeds


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2010
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Relatively new to the site...been lingering for a while (since I was pregnant!) but now things have settled down here and i have a little more time to myself :lol:
My lo is 12 weeks old and has been doing really well at night, he has fallen into a really good routine and goes down well at 7pm having had 4/5oz of formula, I then dream feed him at 11pm, this has slowly been decreasing and for the last few nights he has refused to take any more than 3 oz. He then sleeps through till about 4am sometimes 6am:dance: the only way I can get him back to sleep at 4 is to give him a feed of about 2/3oz he will then settle until about 7/7:30 which is when we get up for the day...the problem is that he's not taking much at this feed, maybe 3/4oz which leads me to believe that he doesn't really need the feed at 4....does that make sense!
Has any body got any suggestions as to what I should do? Continue to feed at 4? Try giving him water (not sure if this is an option this young)?
Davina x
Hello and welcome to the forum :)
I know afew girls started giving their babies a dummy around that time which meant the babies started to go longer then slept through. I've tried that with DS but he still wants his feed aswell as the other feeds during the night grrr so it doesn't work for him but it'd worth a try for your little man!
No I've tried the dummy trick!!
I'm sure he'll give it up when he's ready! Just being selfish with the 'just a couple more hours' feeling!

Starting to wish I posted way back when you guys were all in 3rd trimester, I was there-lingering!

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if he has a feed at 7pm I would try him again at 9pm then dream feed at 11pm its just trying to get as much milk in as possible, or uping his oz's at the 7pm feed see if he will take anymore. Herbie started sleeping through when he started having 7oz feeds.

ps welcome xxxx
Thanks for the reply. He sleeps really well between 7 and 4 not really waking for his feed at 11 so I'm a little reluctant to experiment. I guess I'll just have to wait a little longer.
As for a 7oz bottle, I struggle to get a 5 oz down him, however i cant blame him he's on some nasty smelling prescription stuff as they think he's allergic to cows milk :(

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No I've tried the dummy trick!!
I'm sure he'll give it up when he's ready! Just being selfish with the 'just a couple more hours' feeling!

Starting to wish I posted way back when you guys were all in 3rd trimester, I was there-lingering!

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Aww tri 3 seems so long ago now! :(
Like lanny says, maybe up his last feed? I give charley 1oz extra at his 7.30 feed with hungry baby formula then dream feed at 10.30. I can't help too much though cos Charleys a little bugger and likes to see me at least 2-3 times a night still! It feels like he'll never sleep through :(
Have you tried him without a dream feed? He might sleep till 4 without it, even if he doesn't he might wake up at 2ish and then 6ish for proper feeds? I think 9/10 babies only wake out of habit!

I don't put my lo in bed till 9.30-10pm, he used to wake at 3.30pm for a feed bit only had about 3oz and went back down till 6am and woul be lucky if he had another 3oz! We managed to cut out his 3.30 feed now, he still stirs for one but I swaddle him and tuck his dummy in so it don't fall out..he'll go back to sleep then. Now when he wakes at 6-7am he has a full bottle.

Want to try and brave an earlier bedtime though! I think I'll go with what he wants then. See how it goes. Not doing it yet though, he has his 12 week injections tomorrow (2 weeks late cos of Xmas) and he was really grumpy last time!
Thanks for all the ideas, I tried not giving him his dream feed but he then woke up at 2 and then again at 5...and I really can't do 5am makes me really grumpy....would rather stick with the 4 lol it took him a while to get back into his routine as well and he continued to wake at 1/2am for a couple of days, was not fun :(
I tried to give him more at 7 tonight but the little monster wouldn't have a nap this afternoon so was then so tired he fell asleep on me Ggrrrr! So I guess it'll be 4 again btu I'm going to try my best to settle him without feeding him and see how it goes, he then may take a good feed at 7 (I'm dreaming...aren't I!)

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He sounds exactly the same as my LO used to be. In the end I stopped the dream feed and she woke up at around 1am or 2am for a few days but then it slowly moved back to 4am so she only had a feed at around 7/8pm then slept until 4am and waking again around 7am for the day. I also did the dummy thing to get her to the 4am feed as I think she woke out of habit. It took about 2/3 weeks to get it back to 4am so it is tiring but shes sleeping 7pm-7am now.
Have you tried him without a dream feed? He might sleep till 4 without it, even if he doesn't he might wake up at 2ish and then 6ish for proper feeds? I think 9/10 babies only wake out of habit!

I don't put my lo in bed till 9.30-10pm, he used to wake at 3.30pm for a feed bit only had about 3oz and went back down till 6am and woul be lucky if he had another 3oz! We managed to cut out his 3.30 feed now, he still stirs for one but I swaddle him and tuck his dummy in so it don't fall out..he'll go back to sleep then. Now when he wakes at 6-7am he has a full bottle.

Want to try and brave an earlier bedtime though! I think I'll go with what he wants then. See how it goes. Not doing it yet though, he has his 12 week injections tomorrow (2 weeks late cos of Xmas) and he was really grumpy last time!

I'm wanted to start putting herbie to bed earlier, he has his last bottle at 10pm and go's up with us and wake just after 7am every morning but since the kids have been off for xmas we have all be laying in and herbie hasnt been waking till 8-9am,
what is ok this wk as o/h is on 2 till 10 so is here for the school run so I have just been leaving him and coming down.
But next wk I'm gunna need him up and feed to do the school run so thinking if I give him his last bottle earlier and putting up before us he might start waking again at 7am plus be going upto bed on a night

But I scared to try it lol
just cos he has been so good up to now I dont want to mess things up
is drake still in his basket?
herbie is as im scared to take him out of that too.
Can you tell my other two weren't good sleepers lol
It's horrible debating if you should try something different isn't it, worried to mess up what already works!
I shouldn't really moan about Henry he goes to bed at 7 and we don't hear a peek out of him until 4ish ( other than his dreamfeed) I can hear him on the monitor laughing in his sleep as I type :) means we get the evenings to ourselves.
we moved henry into his room a couple of weeks ago mainly because he was so noisy! He seems to have slept better in his room, but it's a scary move!

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Have you tried him without a dream feed? He might sleep till 4 without it, even if he doesn't he might wake up at 2ish and then 6ish for proper feeds? I think 9/10 babies only wake out of habit!

I don't put my lo in bed till 9.30-10pm, he used to wake at 3.30pm for a feed bit only had about 3oz and went back down till 6am and woul be lucky if he had another 3oz! We managed to cut out his 3.30 feed now, he still stirs for one but I swaddle him and tuck his dummy in so it don't fall out..he'll go back to sleep then. Now when he wakes at 6-7am he has a full bottle.

Want to try and brave an earlier bedtime though! I think I'll go with what he wants then. See how it goes. Not doing it yet though, he has his 12 week injections tomorrow (2 weeks late cos of Xmas) and he was really grumpy last time!

I'm wanted to start putting herbie to bed earlier, he has his last bottle at 10pm and go's up with us and wake just after 7am every morning but since the kids have been off for xmas we have all be laying in and herbie hasnt been waking till 8-9am,
what is ok this wk as o/h is on 2 till 10 so is here for the school run so I have just been leaving him and coming down.
But next wk I'm gunna need him up and feed to do the school run so thinking if I give him his last bottle earlier and putting up before us he might start waking again at 7am plus be going upto bed on a night

But I scared to try it lol
just cos he has been so good up to now I dont want to mess things up
is drake still in his basket?
herbie is as im scared to take him out of that too.
Can you tell my other two weren't good sleepers lol

Yeah, he's still in his basket! We're solving our room problems for now by getting a travel cot and moving our tv unit out of the bedroom so he can stay with us for a while. I'm wondering if all babies get the 4 month sleep regression? Maybe start the transition then? I don't know but Drake's getting too big for his basket so i'm going to have to do something within the next couple of weeks!
Well let's hope it's the start of something...Henry went from 11 through to 6:10 :)
I think he's mastered the art if sucking his fingers so he managed to get himself back to sleep at 3 and 5 without crying. However I feel even more tires than normal aagghh

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