Next wonderful pregnancy symptom!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
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For the last 3 days I've now been experiencing acid reflux and its making me bring everything i eat back up a little bit (Luckily no vomiting). It's not yet developed in to full heart burn but the acidy feeling is there all the time. I think its time to get on the gaviscon!

Anyone else having this? Got any advice?
Yep, had that for weeks now, gaviscon is my saviour x
For the last 3 days I've now been experiencing acid reflux and its making me bring everything i eat back up a little bit (Luckily no vomiting). It's not yet developed in to full heart burn but the acidy feeling is there all the time. I think its time to get on the gaviscon!

Anyone else having this? Got any advice?

I put a very similar post up early to day I know just jow you feel :(
Someone told me to try milk :) x
Agh... The joys!!! Gaviscon was my best friend for a long time :) still always have a bottle handy, but past few weeks it's eased off alot. I avoid diluting juice, no oranges etc... That helped me :) xx
Ouch !! I am never to far from my new friend gaviscon these days lol
Gaviscon did nothing for me and it was getting worse so I saw my GP and he gave me Omezrepole (not sure spelling) 20mg - One capsule a day and I have not had it since! :)
Hi All!!

I'm a bit late to this party but thought I would chime in with my input.

Gaviscon definitely works, but it really is only a bandaid and doesnt solve the root problem of what is causing your heartburn. Of course, you are pregnant, so this is a large factor in having heartburn but there are also other aspects of your life that you can fine tune in order to minimize (and hopefully eradicate) heartburn all together. Try looking at onlinereviewguru dot com/cure-heartburn/ for some good ideas on how to get rid of it.

Other than that, I know that drinking water really reduces the amount of acid in your mouth, so maybe that is something to give a go as well.

Best of luck!

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