Next midwife appt...


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2012
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Well today I went for my 35week appt... Worst one yet. They couldn't get blood, and have tested me for cholestrlitis (sp) iv to get my results tomorrow.
But I was told to make my next appt for 2weeks time when I'm 37weeks. When I went to make the appt the receptionist says there fully booked for 2weeks time, will need to be 3 weeks, I'd be 38weeks by then... Is it important to get it when I'm 37 or can it wait till im 38?
My own midwife is on holiday, so it's a stand in.
Where I am we have appointments at 34 36 38 40 weeks! They need to squeeze u in somewhere!
I wouldn't worry they don't do anything special at 37 weeks.

I actually saw mine at 38 weeks. They just do blood pressure, urine and check how engaged baby is. Nothing that won't wait a week xx
I've ad a few sppointments a week later than am meant too
My appts have always been at odd times, due to mw being off sick or having a consultant appt instead. My last 2 appts have been 36+4 and 38+4 and nothing special has happened at each, just the usual checks xx
I had appt at 36 weeks and then (because of jubilee bank holidays) they couldn't fit me in again until 39 +5. I had a number to ring if I had any concerns though. So It's prob ideal to be going every 2weeks but not imperative. I did feel nervous during that time though... It's nice to hear baby's heartbeat on a regular basis! X

I am here:
Yeah I have a number to ring, I wouldn't mind if it was earlier in my pregnancy, but I havnt even spoke about a birth plan or anything... And I had high blood pressure yesterday so would rather et it checked than wait 3weeks.x
Do you not have the options of a drop in midwife service?

I can have appts on either a Monday or Tuesday with my midwife at my GP surgery. And there's a drop in service between 1 and 4 on a Friday too (luckily on the same site as my GP). I think there are other drops in as well a bit further away.
If you haven't got the option of drop in MW sessions or an earlier appointment, you could always just book an appointment with your GP to have your BP done if you're worried x
If you haven't got the option of drop in MW sessions or an earlier appointment, you could always just book an appointment with your GP to have your BP done if you're worried x

Thanks... Never thought of that. Just with such a dramatic change in my blood pressure and my midwifes comment 'oh you might have a bit of protein in your urine' didn't really fill me with confidence... Ha!x
If you haven't got the option of drop in MW sessions or an earlier appointment, you could always just book an appointment with your GP to have your BP done if you're worried x

Thanks... Never thought of that. Just with such a dramatic change in my blood pressure and my midwifes comment 'oh you might have a bit of protein in your urine' didn't really fill me with confidence... Ha!x

Well if you go to the GP about your BP, just take a sample of urine along and ask him to test it. I think that you can usually get a sample pot from GP surgery recptionist x

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