Newby in need of help


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
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I gave birth to my baby girl 6weeks ago, all throughout my pregnancy i refered to this website but never registered. There were several times when i was unsure about things and this website provided me with all the answers, it really helped me throughout.

My little girl is the best thing that has ever happened to me, its my first child, I need some help which is whats prompted me to register today, i know this is the place to get the right advice. My baby has come out in a rash all over her face, i took her to the doctors and they said it was just milk spots and not to worry and that it would go by itself, that was 2wks ago and the rash is still there and everyday it seems to spread and doesnt appear to get any better. I have done some internet research and all the symptoms point to baby acne - i really want this to clear up but don't know what to do. Can anyone help? :? [/code]
Take the baby back to the doctors ad insist they look again and you come out with a firm diagnosis and sme medication :D
Thanks newmum. I guess patience is the key then! I just hope it isnt causing my LO discomfort in the meantime.
My boy had baby acne, it was awful :( If it is that they you need to get some Aqeous cream for it and put it on twice a day. The Health visitor or GP can make you a prescription for it so you dont have to pay for it.
Hi Mrs-T :wave:

I did see my HV yesterday and she also diagnosed them as milk spots. she told me to just wash with cooled boiled water and that should clear it. She said it should clear within a week, i told her that it had already been 2wks and they were getting worse not better - again she said not to worry unless the spots started looking 'angry' and had agressive white/greenheads on them, in this case she told me to call her and she would prescibed some cream dipruvin (or something that sounded like this). They have not become 'agressive' they are just tiny liitle red spots with little whiteheads on them - do u think i should still go bk to the docs?
hiya RitaJS, congrats on ur baby girl! glad u find the forum useful- i do too! im sorry tho iv no experience with either milk spots or baby acne.

with new babies i think key is to use only stuff that is as pure as possible on them- mine only ate breastmilk and was only washed in plain water until she was about 8 weeks. if ur using bubble baths/ lotions etc, stop them and use only oilatum and prescribed stuff from docs- use non-bio washing powder on her clothes- and if formula-feeding try switching her milk?

thats just my guess tho as iv said iv no experience so im not expert!

good luck :hug:
thanx for your advice. I am doing everything you suggested. I am only using water to bathe her, not using any products at all and she is solely breastfed. This has been the regime since birth, altho i did introduce baby shampoo & wash for a few baths but this was around the time the rash started so i stop straightaway. This was about 2wks ago and she still has the rash so i dont think it product related, altho i;m not going to re-introduce it just yet.

This evening the rash is spreading across her temples and forehead.
It is in her eyebrows but not between them. Its also on her eyelids, some on her ear lobes and a few around her neck.

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