How to wind during the night


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2012
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My dilemma is that when feeding at night if I don't wind Lo he wakes up 45 mins to an hour later with wind, however if I try and wind him after a feed he wakes up and won't go down. How do you do it? Any suggestions would be massively appreciated as my 6 day old baby is not letting me sleep!! Xx
Henry sometimes burps when we sit him up, maybe worth just doin that after a feed. That way lo shouldn't wake up from the patting/rubbing. Also lying them bank and sitting them up again encourages the wind to come up xx
Not sure Josh sleeps through me winding him, lol. Could you try infacol before the feed it brings wind up easier
I do have a bottle I've just been holding off since he's only 6 days old, think it might be worth a try though xx
Maybe try the infacol but try winding him by lying him upright against your tummy/chest with his head at shoulder level straight after feeding

I found Harry gets his wind up this way but as he's next to me he soon drops off
What beckyboo said.

Or alternatively I used to wind tilly and then put her on for a last few sucks to fall asleep again, not too long or you'll get more wind :)
I don't wind babies in the night because it does wake them up. If you're FF could you try a different type of bottle?
Infacol is great and can be used from day 1. When Albert was newborn I would wind him before feeding and he usually had a burp or two cos he would gulp air when he was crying, this way he started off with a completely empty tummy, this made him less sick and he took more milk
I find winding him over my shoulder is best to bring up his wind and I do it by rubbing in circles which usually also sends him to sleep, although my little boy has a lot of wind from his bum which is poss wind that hasn't come up the other way xxx
With Phoebe I used to feed her and then take it off her to wind her and then give her a little bit more milk to send her back off again. Alternatively I'd give infacol a go just before bed and wind over your shoulder. I found Phoebe would sleep through it if I put her on my shoulder x
sit up slowly abd gently then hold under chin and pat on back like heartbeat. The rhythmic patting will send to sleep abd bring up wind at the same time!

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