Newbie to tri-1


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Hi ladies :wave:

I just thought i would introduce myself.
I got my bfp yesterday, and im shocked but over the moon.
I came off the pill thinking that i would have to ttc for quite a few months because i fell lucky with my little man,as soon as i came of the pill, i conceived. But it turns out that ive been lucky again :)
I felt funny about 2 weeks ago but when i took a hpt when af was due and it came back negative, i thought i was out this month. I ordered some opk's convinced my cycle was irregular. They arrive and i started to use them Tuesday night and got a pos straight away (either i was v.lucky to catch ov or there was something more to it) so i decided to take another hpt on Wednesday Morning(a week after af was due)and got a bfp, confirmed by cbd (2-3weeks).

I look forward to sharing the highs and the lows of the next 9 months with all you lovely ladies.
But beware just because ive already got a LO doesnt mean im not full of questions!! x x

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Hello and welcome to tri 1 x x
Thank you Jodie, its still not sunk in yet! x x

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hi welcome! congrats on ur news!!! x
Hey - and welcome!! This is the forum of questions!!
And it still hasnt really sunk in for me either.

Congratulations xxxxx
Hasn't sunk in for me either - I don't think it will until I see baby healthy on a scan at 12 weeks! x
Congrats and welcome to tri 1!

I'm Lynsey mom to Leo whos 3, bump whos due march 15th and one angel baby lost in june 10 xx

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