Newbie saying hello/question about AF


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007
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Hi everyone

Just wanted to say hi and a big thankyou to you all, as even though this is my first post, have been logging on for a few weeks and have found a lot of the comments/advice etc really helpful in trying to come to terms with my m/c.

Sadly, we lost our little angel 8 wks ago and not a day goes by without me thinking and wishing things had been different (as I'm sure you all are).

The main problem I'm having is that 8 weeks on I'm still awaiting first AF and am feeling really frustrated. Personally I feel ready to TTC again but would prefer to get AF over with first so that I know my body is ready too. I just wondered if anyone else had had a similar experience or any other advice to stop me from stressing so much - the more I try not to think about it, the more I do!

Thanks x
Hi Emma

Firstly, just wanted to say sorry for your loss :hug:

I've had 2 mcs at 10 wks this year, and I know how hard it is being so close to the magic 12 week mark.

Can't really help with your query, after 1st mc, I waited for AF which came 5 and a half weeks after D&C. I then fell pg again first cycle, but mc again exactly as before. AF then came 6 wks later. Have TTC'd one cycle but think AF is on its way tonight :(

I'm sure your AF will be here soon. Do you know if you've ovulated yet? Everyone has differing opinions whether to wait for AF or not. Second time around I didn't wait, but it didn't make any difference anyway, as I didn't fall pg.

Good luck with the TTC whenever you decide to start :hug:
Hi there and welcome to the forum :hug: :wave:

I think every woman is different and i also thing AF coming can depend on a number of things, if you m.c naturally or had a d and c etc...

The normal reccomended time for AF arriving can range from 4 weeks right up to 8 weeks.

Is there any way you could be preggo again now? if so maybe a test might be an idea I would also suggest seeing as its been eight weeks already maybe a visit to your docs might be an idea?

Maybe you'll wake up tomorrow and find it comes but either way i hope it does come for you soon so you can press forward


Thanks for the replies; I'm probably just focusing way too much on it right now, which is probably not helping matters!

Am not at all sure when or if I've ov'd; I was lucky enough to fall pregnant soon after stopping the pill so never really got into monitoring my cycle, although before starting the pill I seem to remember always being a few days late but never missing completely.

As for maybe being pg again, I must admit although we started off using condoms, the longer its gone on, the less careful we've been. I did actually do a HPT yesterday and got a BFN, which I think deep down I knew it would be. I think my next step will be a trip to the doc's although not really sure there's a lot they can do but at least it feels like I'm doing something instead of just waiting.

Very sorry to hear of your loss.

8 weeks sounds like quite a long time - I think they told me anything between 4 and 6 weeks, but it could have been 8.

I would definitely recommend going to the doc if nothing happens over the next couple of days - it'll be good to put your mind at rest if nothing else.

Best wishes,
Hi emma, im so sorry for your loss.
I cant really help with your question....i went back on the pill so i had my AF in my pill free week as normal....this is the first true AF iv had since my loss 3 months ago cos we are TTC now.
Try not to worry too much, this could be stopping AF. Id go to the docs and see what they recommend.
Take care x

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