Newbie questions

Sleepy sue

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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Hi ladies I'm finally over here :) can't tell you how much I'm Enjoying being a mom!!! But I do have a couple of newbie questions that I'm hoping you can help with

- unfortunately I had a second degree tear (3 of them in fact), I was just wondering if there was anyway of easing the pain? I've started taking paracetamol and ibuprofen but that's it. Im finding having a wee really difficult :( any advice would be really appreciated

Secondly i. The first few days how often did LO eat? I'm bf and little man just seems to want to sleep

And lastly what does bf feeding feel like to you? (random question I know)

Thanks ladies xxx
Hi, lovely, please stay strong, it is SO difficult in the first few weeks, it was an absolute nightmare for me.

The pain was really bad for the first 2 weeks, you have to rest, hun, and take your painkillers, I found the more I walked and the more I tried to do, the more it hurt (I had an episiotomy)

They say newborn babies should eat every 2-3 hours, Vince went for 4 hours sometimes, and everything was fine. I think all very new babies are very sleepy, there's the debate whether you should wake them up to feed every 2 h, but I hated that, made us all miserable. We just fed him on demand.

I hated breatfeeding. It hurt like hell and until I started expressing and feeding him bottles to give my cracked nipples a rest, times were very hard indeed.
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Welcome across hun and congratulations :)

No advise on the bf I'm afraid. But as for the tears I found salt water baths really helped to heal things quicker :) xx

Peeing - i just had grazing, but it stung like nothing on earth - my mum suffers from cystitis and gave me a tip that i found helps. when sitting on the loo lean forward - try to put your hands on the floor in front of you, cos the the urine doesnt run down you iykwim. i found it definitely eased things. Mws suggested using a bottle of water, or peeing in the shower cos it dilutes things.

feeding - although they say every 2-3 hours G has never really fed that often. and definitely have days where all she wants to do is sleep. my mw said to not leave her longer than 5hours, 6 at night initially. but i rarely had to wake her by that time.

One of mums at the support group i went to last week described feeding as toe-curling, which it definitely is. but apparently it does get better. im using nipple shields cos of G's latch, and it still hurts like nothing on earth, i cant imagine how much worse it is naked. xxx
Hi ladies I'm finally over here :) can't tell you how much I'm Enjoying being a mom!!! But I do have a couple of newbie questions that I'm hoping you can help with

- unfortunately I had a second degree tear (3 of them in fact), I was just wondering if there was anyway of easing the pain? I've started taking paracetamol and ibuprofen but that's it. Im finding having a wee really difficult :( any advice would be really appreciated

Secondly i. The first few days how often did LO eat? I'm bf and little man just seems to want to sleep

And lastly what does bf feeding feel like to you? (random question I know)

Thanks ladies xxx

Hey Hun,

I also had a second degree tear and found for the first week or so I was really sore, the best thing you can do is rest as much as possible and take some pain killers and lots of hot baths.
Not sure about the when you need a wee as I didnt find it difficult.

I don't BF but ruby when first born was feeding every 2-3 hours


Tyler fed a lot when he was born, spent a lot of time attached to me. It also felt different than what it does, I found my nipples felt sore/chaffed and I used lanisonah to help out. Then Tyler got in the habit of pulling off the nipple, that also hurt. Again I used the cream but now I get no pain at all :)

Congratulations! Good to see you over here!

When you pee pour a jug of warm water over your bits as you wee to dilute the urine, it will get easier in a few weeks, you could also sit on a blow up ring and witch hazel is good for any bruising down there.

Kynon has always fed a lot at least every 2-3 hours day and night since he was born and I've never needed to wake him. They say babies can be really sleepy for a few days so I would just feed on demand for now.

I love breast feeding! I've have pains and problems but it's been so worth it, I like the closeness and that it's something only I can do! It's such a great feeling seeing them grow! It can get really sore those first few weeks though so make sure your latch is right and look into any local support groups as they can be a massive help.
try and sit in the bath as often as u can, even for 5minutes it really helped me i had a second degree tear too the first 2weeks are awful,dreaded going to the toilet but it will get better..drink some cranberry juice too :) xxx

You can get your hv to prescribe lanisol (sp) cream as its quite expensive, its a god send for sore nips! And as Sarah said, pouring warm water as you pee really helps! I was warned off sitting on a ring as it cuts off circulation apparently but along as you're not on it for hours I'm sure it wouldn't cause any probs. As for the feeling of bf, it can be quite painful to start but it gets easier, I find pinching my boob so it fits in los mouth helps xx

Hi hun and well no bf tips. But agree with keep taking pain killer and pouring water also stick with the thick mat pads till your healed I hated wearing them with a passion but the extra padding helps ! I used to sit with one leg tucked under me took pressure off my bits when sitting. Hope u start to feel better soon xxx

Thanks ladies your advice really helps. I'm hoping little mans eating habits improve through the day.

I'm terrified to wee tbh and unfortunately have weed in the shower but it still kills (hangs head in shame). I'll try the leaning forward and a bath tonight so fingers crossed xxx

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