Newbie - intro and couple of questions??


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Hi Ladies

Got my BFP yesterday so thought I had better start using the first trimester section, eek! even though I don't feel pregnant and its all pretty surreal at the moment.

I was diagnosed with PCOS and failed to get pregant for over a year with my ex, 5 months of trying with my BF and hey presto!! (He says he has super sperm :roll: :lol:)

I dont have many symptoms except suddenly getting desperate to pee and when i get there theres just a trickle, lol. And sore boobs and period style cramps which I understand is normal...? hence why i was convinced AF was on its way. Can any ladies share their symptoms with me?

Going to call the doctors today, do I need to ask to see the GP or midwife?

Thanks Ladies and Congratulations to all!

Dollie x
Congratulations on your bfp! I didn't have any symptoms when I got my bfp and didn't feel pregnant! I felt great up to 6 weeks and then the tiredness and sickness kicked in and is still going strong!! Make the most of having no symptoms cos the will soon start! Not sure how it works where you live but I had to see my gp to start with who then refered me to the midwife xx
thanks tiggy! i had best make the most of the next couple of weeks then! xx
hi dollie, welcome to tri 1 and congrats :wave:

i didn't really get any symptoms until about week 8 except for sore boobies xx
Welcome welcome! Ive had sore boobies, cramps and the worst... tiredness! No sickness for me thankfully.
With me, I was at my gp anyway but cud have just gotten the midwives number from reception as there was no need for a referral.
Welcome welcome! Ive had sore boobies, cramps and the worst... tiredness! No sickness for me thankfully.
With me, I was at my gp anyway but cud have just gotten the midwives number from reception as there was no need for a referral.

Thanks! im really tired but I had put that down to the fact we're decorating a new house before moving in and are there every waking moment of the day! lol x
Congrats and welcome!

I hadn't had any symptoms, besides sore boobs and cramps, untill the past week where I've been hit with nausea, tiredness, itchyness..? and the what not so I wouldn't worry, your time may come =] lol..
Hi Dollie

Welcome to Tri 1. I only got my BFP two days ago and am only 4 weeks preggers at the mo. I decided to test because af wasn't due for another couple of days but had been getting cramps in my tummy. They felt a little bit sharper than af cramps, but not as agonising!!! (I get really strong, cramping pains with af, and I tend to know the signs when it's coming).

Much like you I have sore bbs (though not really bad), cramps, and I also feel a bit tired (though I'll always take any excuse to sit down!)

No sickness as yet - I almost want to feel sick, so I know things are okay, but I'm sure it will get more difficult to hide from people then, so I shouldn't rush things!!!

I guess you may have phoned docs already, but for me, I phoned the GP surgery and they have booked me in to see midwife when I reach 8 weeks.

All the best!!!
Hiya, congrats on the BFP!!
Im like most of the girls here in that didnt have any symptoms really other than sore bbs when got my BFP hence why I thought I wasnt preggers. I started to feel a bit sick at 5 weeks but at 6 weeks on the dot I really got bad and still is although I now know what to do to make it a bit better (fan on when you wake up, dont know why but it seems to work)
I saw my doc on thursday and just had myappointments through for midwife and scan!! Got to wait till nearly 13 weeks to see my buba!!
Congratulations and welcome to tri 1! I had some cramping just after getting my positive and it seems most of us have experienced this. I also felt extreme tiredness to begin with which seems to come and go, some days I could quite easily fall asleep standing up! My nausea didn't really kick in until about 6 weeks and this again comes and goes!

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