newbie in TRI 1... WHAT DO I DO????


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2011
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I lknow this sounds stupid... but the only times i have got pregnant, i have lost the baby... just got my BFP's (done a few tests to make sure!!)
do i book a docs appointment straight away? or do i have to leave it a while before i do???
congratulations on your bfp :)

it says on the NHS website that you should contact your surgery.

I called them as soon as I found out, and they got a midwife to call me back the next day. She then asked me some questions and booked me for my first appointment.
Your docs are more efficient than mine, I.Love!
Hiya Ceris, congratulations!!! Id say make a docs appt asap and go from there x
Congratulations on the BFP. Def make a docs app so you can be more closely monitored if you have mc in the past. Hope it goes well for you x
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Same here, I just made an appointment to see my GP and see pointed me in the right direction from there. Gave me a quick convo on info like avoiding some foods, not drinking/smoking etc, the normal stuff and wished me well. Quite helpful as I hadn't got a clue. This is my first baby and was very unexpected so it came as a bit of a surprise!!

Congratulations and hope you have a happy, healthy pregnancy xxx
congrats on your BFP and welcome to Tri-1. as other ladies have said call your GP and book in an appointment. When there he or she will explain the next step and probably give you some forms to sign so they can set you up with your local hospital and sort you out a midwife.

Congratulations on your BFP! I just went and saw my Doc as soon as I found out and they booked my in to see the MW at 10 weeks xx
Congratulations on BFP, fingers crossed for a sticky! I rang my GP and they made me a midwife appt for when I was 8 weeks, they didn't want to see me or anything before then.

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