Newbie - AF 3 days late but BFN...


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2011
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Hello ladies

I've never posted before, but I've been reading this forum and finding it super-helpful, so thought I should be brave and stop hiding! So...

OH and I have been TTC for 6 months. After 3 months we got a bean but sadly it wasn't meant to be. So we're now 3-4 cycles on from that.

My cycle is usually 25-26 days; today is CD28 and still the witch is absent. I've had what to me feel like symptoms - primarily a bubbly tummy and an absence of the usual AF symptoms (I would normally be bloated and with swollen bbs but nothing like that this month).

I've done two tests so far, one on CD26 and one this morning, both BFNs. They were the ClearBlue digital ones so pretty conclusive. But - when I got the BFP last time it was on CD33 - and I had six (!) BFNs in the days before that. Maybe my body just takes a while for the hormones to ramp up?

I did use an OPK this month too for the first time; I got a very faint line about 12 days ago and we BD-ed twice in the 1-3 days before that.

So I feel like the stars are as closely aligned as they could be - but man oh man, the WAITING!!! And of course I don't want to get my hopes up only for AF to arrive, but that's so much easier said than done... Aargh!! :wall2:

Thanks for listening - feels good just to get it off my chest! So tough when you can't talk to friends about it (because trying to keep it quiet).

Cashew x
:wave:Welcome to the forum.

I really hope it's the case like last time..just a late bfp! You may well just be producing hcg at a rate that is not traceable yet!

I would get yourself a different test that is more sensitive..tesco own brand are 10mui I think..but the clear blue digitals are 50 mui.

Fingers crossed for you.

Thank you!

Wow, I didn't know that Tesco tests were more sensitive! *Jumps immediately into car*

I really do feel like I did last time, but I don't want to say that out loud, particularly with these BFNs!

Right. Tesco here I come...

How did you get on Cashew? I just took a Tesco too but it was BFN! x

Sorry to hear that - and same here! :( Got OH to bring a Tesco test home and did it as soon as he got in. Still a BFN, which I kind of expected but it still makes me go a bit mis.

What's your situation? How many DPO are you?

Aw it must be so irritating. Maybe if af is a no show after a week take a trip to your GP. Maybe take the other tesco with fmu in a few days?

I came off my pill in March and havent had any af since feb so Im not sure im even ovulating. randomly testing to see if Ive caught my first cycle since coming off it. on saying that I wasnt on it for more than 3 weeks but i havent long had a baby and im still breastfeeding so that may be the reason for not having cycles yet..i may be mad but id like my last baby to be close in age to my second.

Hope you get some answers soon. x
Wow, that really would be close in age! But I totally understand why you would want to do that. Is it a myth that AF doesn't arrive until you stop breastfeeding?

Still no sign of the witch here, CD 29, now 4 days late (based on last month). Trying really hard not to get too carried away thinking it's just a shy BFP like last time, but it really does just feel so similar. Every morning for the last few days I've needed to get up at 5am for a wee, which is totally not like me normally.

Ho hum, guess I just need to keep waiting with my fingers well and truly crossed! But if I don't have either AF or a BFP by the weekend it's deffo a trip to the GP for me. Also - scuse my ignorance, what does fmu stand for?

fmu- first morning urine!!

well it does aid ovulation but once weaning and things start then it tends to come sure they did a month after having her. anything is possible I suppose. guess its just a waiting game.

Fingers crossed for you.. id test in a few days if no af then def go to the docs..hoping its just shy for you. x
First morning urine! I should have been able to work that one out... Dur.

I couldn't resist and bought two First Response and two Superdrug tests on the way home from work. There is no way I'm going to be able to hold out for a few days! But I will wait until tomorrow morning, which should be 14dpo.

Still got a very fluttery tummy, including a slightly sharper pulling sensation below my belly button / above pubic bone, and have been so thirsty, drinking water and decaf tea like it's going out of fashion.

No lower back pain today though - had that quite a lot for the last few days.

Fingers crossed for you too, I hope you start to get some clear signs of what's going on soon. Thanks for listening to me waffle on!

No probs..we are all guilty of waffling. Its great to come on here and get it off your just don't seem to understand these things!

I'd maybe do the superdrug one tomorrow. I think it is 10mui. I really hope you get a nice pink line! Make sure you update and let us know.

Hi I'm new on here too and just been ready the comments. I'm 8 days late and have taken 2 clear blue digital and both negative but I've been having a few early signs. I might try the tescos home brand too good luck xxx
Good luck to you too Amy - and Sarah I think you're spot on, I'm def trying Superdrug tomorrow with FMU! ;-)

Night night. x
(In my best Big Brother voice:)

Day 30 in the Big Cashew house.

Cashew has had another negative test. She resigns herself to more waiting.


How's everyone else getting along?

hi everyone how anoying it is when AF doesnt show and neither does BFP. This happen to me last month and month b4 y do our bodys do this???
but ladies hope its a shy bfp for you. have you had any more symtoms?
aw im sorry its negative. still hoping af stays away and a bfp will show itself. x
Yes fingers crossed she stays AWOL! I am clinging on to the fact that it's so similar to the time I did get a BFP - Friday will be the equivalent day this time round.

Re: symptoms Zaymisa - yes one or two additional ones today, CM-related so possibly TMI?! But other symptoms (lower back pain, twiddly tummy etc) still carrying on.

Hi Cashew~
I'm quite a few weeks late in this forum (and also from the States), but I noticed how very similar our cases are. I experienced a MC recently, too. In February. Unfortunately after so many years I was under the impression it wasn't even a possibility, so I wasn't tracking cycles, not taking vitamins or really eating right and generally just not paying attention to my symptoms (I look back now and realize they were hitting me like a bolt of lightening (I'm so stupid!)). I have the picture of my "peanut" next to me as I write this just to remind me it was real.
So, how are you? I don't know yet how to navigate through this website so I'm not sure if you've posted an update. I hope you got your wish.....I REALLY HOPE you did, because now I know what it feels like to wait. That's exactly what I'm doing rignt now. CD29 now (some minor spotting on CD19-20 after doing the BD SEVERAL times the week prior), but got a BFN yesterday. It's just when I read that your prior experience was SIX BFN's (WOW! How stressful that must have been) before your BFP it gave me some hope. It doesn't matter where we are, I agree with you that reading other people's thoughts and hopes helps us understand that we're not alone in how we feel and don't realize how many of us are going through the exact same feelings. Take care.:pray:

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