many questions!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
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Hi all, new to this chatroom and hoping you can give me some advice. I havent been ttc for long but am already frustrated!....

I had my last period on 18th Dec 07. I was suposed to take my pill again (microgynon 30) on the 23rd but stopped it. I have since had a 2 day bleed on the 28th Jan, heavy enough for me to use tampons, but since then all i have had is occasional light spotting.

How long does it take for the pill to get out of your system and is it possible for me to get pregnant during my next fertile period or is it too early?

I have also purchased "the donna" saliva fertility test kit. I have started to use it daily and am yet to see any change. Has anyone used one before? Does it work?

Thanks all!! x

I have heard that it can take up to six months before the pill is totally out of the system however this does not mean that you cant fall pregnant straight away.

A friend of mine swears that she forgot to take the pill just once in her cycle and she fell pregnant...

As for your periods, they will take time to settle down.

Lots of luck & lots of baby dust to you!

Sally x
Hi BabyBlues!

I haven't tried the saliva kit myself - but there are others on here that have/do....i'm sure they'll post shortly!

Re the Pill - I came off the Pill last July, and unfortunately my cycles still haven't settled down - but they are getting there! Some people get a normal cycle straight away though - fingers crossed for you!

I have found 'charting' really helps me, as I know exactly where I am with my cycles (pretty much!).
Good Luck.
Thanks for the help, its just so frustrating!!! I haven't been trying long but am tempted to splash out and buy the clearblue fertility monitor!!

Good things come to those who wait! x

I was also on microgynon 30 (for ther best part of 14 years) and I came off it July 07. I was lucky and my periods came back straight away and have been pretty regular since (although they went from 25 day cycles and thanks to B6 I think I have them near enough 27 days now). Everyone is different though so fingers crossed yours will be back to normal soon.

I have also been reading that you may have higher fertility straight after coming of the pill to so you never know!

Like Kaykav, I also found charting really helpful although a bit obsessive!!

Good luck to you x
I too was on microgynon 30 for several years but had stopped taking it around 3-4 years prior to TTC'ing. I found my periods took months to come back, and they didn't really settle into any pattern for probably at least a year. Looking back though it was probably more related to having a very stressful job.

When I did start TTC it only took me 3 cycles - on the 3rd I got my BFP.

I too know people who have stopped taking the pill and have got preggers straight away...some say you are very fertile after stopping taking the pill. You just don't know....temping is a great way to really start understanding your body though.

Good luck with it all and welcome to the forum.

I was on that same pill for three years, I usually got my partner to wear condoms too (just in case), when I met my new partner, we got tested for STDs and decided not to wear condoms as well...

...Anyway, to cut a long story short, I was on the same pill, was on antibiotics at the same time and fell pregnant (even though I took the pill religiously).

My friend was on the same pill too and fell pregnant the cylce after she finished taking it (within 4 weeks of finishing it).

So I wouldn't have thought it would have affected it too much, but I'm not doctor, just going by experience.

Hope that helps! xxx


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