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Jul 26, 2006
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Hi all. Have just joined the forum today but been reading about you all for the past month or so and thought id join as want someone to talk to.

I have been with my oh for 8 years now and we got married last year, we have a great relationship but had quite a stressful start to the year. I came off the pill in December and we have been ttc since then. Like everyone i think i had it drummed into me from an early age that if you miss a pill or slip up then youll fall pregnant immediately :? only now realising how hard it actually is. :roll:

As i said we had quite a stressful start to the year with one thing and another and my oh felt very under pressure to perform and it wasnt really happening, so its only the past couple of months since things have settled down that we have got down to business! I havent started charting my temp but have been doing OPKs and find them very confusing :? Ive had darkish lines for the past 3 days now which obviously could mean im ov at the moment but it seems pretty early in my cycle, why cant these things be a little bit more simple :x my poor oh is exhuasted!

Anyway Hello to you all and thanks for listening. xx
Hi, Emma welcome!

Like you i came off the pill thinking it would happen quickly but 10 months later still not pregnant.

I highly reccomend charting, it can tell you so much about your cycle and i wish id have done it alot earlier on when we started trying.

Hi Emma,

Welcome :wave:

I have just came off the pill and started trying this month- I know what you mean- you worry for years if you miss one then thats it- no such luck :(

I hope you get your bfp soon!
yeah kinda wishhing i had started it a few months ago now. I started doing the OPKs in march and oh started to feel to under pressure so i kinda just thought oh ill just leave it (didnt want to know i was ov for my oh to then turn around and tell me he wasnt in the mood!) and now am back on the OPKs wish i had started keeping chart of temp sooner, ill have to start that then..... :think:
Hiya Emma :wave:
i'd recommend charting too!
Although my chart isn't making sense at the moment i'm sure will make more sense next month!!
Good luck with TTC. I was on the pill when i met oh, and the same i thought i'd get pregnant as soon as i took the last one!!

Hi Emma :wave:

Think most of us who have been using OPKs stumble on the pressure it can have for both partners!

Temping is quite reliable & lets you know a couple of day after you ovulated that you did but after a couple of monthly charts (if you are still charting) you come better aware of your cycle, ovulation day etc etc

Just curious how long your cycles are & what day you are on now.

Hi Emma and welcome. :wave:

My advice from many months of charting and pee sticks is not to tell your OH the results. My OH knew I was doing them, but if he didn't know the results then he didn't know if he had to perform or if I just wanted him to! :twisted:


HI :wave:
I too cme off the pill in May, as you can see from my ticker I'm still waiting fro my first non-pill induced AF :x starting to get frustrated now. I started charting about a week ago, its not really helping me much yet but need to get a few more temps in to figure out what the hell my bod is up to!! Best of luck to you and your OH.
Welcome to the forum Emma :wave:

I came off the pill and foolishly thought that I would get Pg straight away - it took me 14 months. I used OPK and so knew when I was ovulating so even when I was pretending I wasn't trying, I was!!!!

My little boy is now 10 weeks old, DH and I have agreed that I won't start taking the pill again as we will be tring for number 2 this time next year and don't want to have to wait for the pill to come out of my system.

Good luck ttc - I am sending you bucket loads of baby dust :)

Hello :wave:

Welcome to the forum!

Wishing you the best of luck with ttc.....

Hope you get your BFP very soon! xx
Thanks everyone! :D

Wobbles - My cycles have been ok, :think: 35, 37, 31, 40, 35, and 32 days so far and at the moment am 17 days into cycle. I started the OPKs on saturday and seemed to have a surge on monday and tuesday but kinda find the whole line thing a bit annoying as depending on the light you look at it in the line could be darker but could be lighter :? when i tested yesterday it was definately fainter so if i did OV on mon/tues, how long would that make my cycle this month?? Why cant they invent a pee stick that just changes colour rather than all these confusing lines! i started off with the digital OPKs back in march and they cost a fortune so on ebay now with the cheapies!

Yeah def found it better not to tell OH as the one time i did go running up to the bedroom and yell at him that i was OV he couldnt perform at all :rotfl: so now try not to say anything but then tues night when i think i had the surge i got the 'im too tired' look and can we just have a cuddle, got so frustrated and said to him 'that doesnt make babies'! poor OH! he stayed out last night after work to have a night off i think! :rotfl:
Fingers crossed - hope you get your AF soon?? im not surprised you are frustrated, have you been on the pill for long? I was on it for about 10 years i think....

Lindsay - had exactly the same thoughts, envisaged me being about 4/5 months pregnant by now, how silly! Congratulations on Jacob Peter, hope parenthood is all you had dreamed it would be :)
Maybe you should start using OPKs a little earlier Emma?

This is standard recommended time to start using OPKs although personally I start on day 9 & my cycle is 28 days (or was)


Looks like you have irregular cycles I would start charting personally - Theres plenty of us to help you along the way in the charting thread.

thanks for the info wobbles, i hope i havent missed ov this month :wall:

Ill have to get down to boots and get a thermometer and start temping, can i start now or should i wait till next cycle?

Im kinda lost with your situation wobbles, know youve had a couple of early mc's recently...sorry, read so many posts on here its hard to keep up :oops:

No go for it now if anything it will help you get the idea of things an ask 101 questions before you chart a full month :D

The thing with charting is it tells you 3 days after you ovulated but it's handy to keep track & a clear record of when you O, length of cycles, etc. While you do chart I would maybe still use the eBay OPKs as well but start a little earlier.

I know what you mean by hard to keep up - I'm lost in here lately! Some of us girlies will have to get moving to the Tri1 board soon :lol:
ok will have a go then, ill look back through the previous posts to get an idea of what im supposed to do :)

Would be nice if the TTC forum was empty and we were all in 1st Tri forum, baby dust to all :hug:
Hi Emma

That's such a sweet thought. I wish everyone sped straight into 1st Tri too.

I thought I'd have a go at a more scientific approach this month, so as soon as AF gets here, I'm off to Boots to see what I find. Thanks Wobbles for the chart - I have a better idea of how quickly I have to move now.

Good luck everyone x

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