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Jan 18, 2007
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My name is Heather and me and my fiance are trying to concieve. The lfirst day of my last period was christmas. I have had cramping for a few weeks now and Im not due for AF till the 22ond. My boobs are not sore but I tihnk there may be a chance that I could be pregnant. Dioes anyone have any advise for me? I hate the waiting game and it is driving me crazy not knowing. :? [/b]
Thank you!! What do u think my chances are? Do u have any advise for me?
Does anyone have any advise for me? I dont mean to sound pushy but I'm so anxious and I dont know what to expect. This is our third month trying so its hard to be patient. :think:
you could test now... but dont be disappointed if you get a bfn :?

reallly... i would wait until the day after your periods due and test then :hug:
unfortunately there is no way to know if you are pregnant or likely to be pregnant until you do a pregnancy test. Which I'm afraid means waiting generally until AF is due.

I know exactly how you feel. Try to take your mind off it somehow. Goodluck
Hi Heather and welcome to the forum :wave:

How long have you been trying?

My partner and I have been trying for 15 months now and have just started the ball rolling with fertility tests, so i know how frustrating it can be waiting, especially when you want it so much!

Some tests can be used 4 days before AF (Aunt Flow - Period) is due but the accuracy isnt as good. Do you know when you ovulated, as a lot of women on here seem to get BFP's (Big Fat Positives) around 10 days past ovulation.

Sorry I couldnt help anymore but please keep us informed!

Jax x
Me and my ex tried for a couple of years to have a baby, we were desperate for a baby but it didn't happen and I was told there was a chance I was infertile (completly diff story altogether.) I put it out of my mind and then got with my current boyfriend and it just happened without even trying. Maybe you should try not to think about it as much and let nature take it course. Your body knows when it's your time and it will happen. Don't give up hope but at the same time don't let it rule your life. I really hope the best for you, i've got my fingers and toes crossed for you xxxx :pray: :pray: :pray:
I tested this morning at like 2:30 and it was neg. I'm not sure if i left the stick in the urine stream long enough though. I have been very moody and emotional and I'm not sure if it is AF. I do have AF like symptoms but from what I have heard it could be baby too!!! (I hope)!!
Thank you!!! Is there anything advise u can give me or any help?

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