New Single Mum to Be


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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Hello all,

Just browsing this site and I think I may be spending a little bit of time here over the coming months.

I am Louise, 32 years old, 6 weeks pregnant and it was a total accident. Hopefully a happy one.

Hopefully I am not an outcast and there are other singles on here! I am still trying to get my head round it all really and I am sure I was post my whole sorry story at some point.

Oh, I have also just finished councelling for a health related anxiety... so this should be interesting!! ha.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to posting on here and getting some support (which I know will be much needed)

Nice to meet you all
Louise x
:wave: Welcome to PF!!! Congratulations on your pregnancy! The girls here are very supportive and don't worry, we all have our quirks, moans, anxieties and fears. Hope you find the forum just as helpful as I have!
Welcome to the Forum & Congratulations :)
hiya hun! congratulations and nice to see another manchester gal!
this is a great forum - everyone is fantstic...hope to see you on here again soon, take care xxx
Welcome! x congratulations x lots of support here and definatly no judging/outcasting so don't worry x x
hiii! welcome to the forum! all the support in the world you need here! its fab ive learned so much :-D xxx
Welcome Louise, congrats and plenty of couples and single mums on here, your'll love it

I am 7 weeks today, so looks like we will be really close in dates - I'm due 12th Jan

Look forward to see you in Trimester 1 X
YAY, there's loads of us northerners on here lol. Welcome xx
hi and welcome im a single mum to be too and everryone has been lovely and very supportive

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