new research into cause of mc


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2011
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Hi Girls,
just found this whilst I was looking up something for work.
The link is to an article in the journal Nature Medicine that has looked at the levels of an enzyme called SGK1 in the endometrium which they reckon contributes to 'reproductive failure' as they put it. They first did some studies of women's endometrium then explore the gene they found in a mouse model. Really interesting and good to see that some research IS going on after our discussions recently! Who knows if it will turn into a treatment but there is progress being made! :)
So theres a chance we could get answers one day. Hell I'm all up for that!!

The article went WAYYY over my tiny fairy like height btw.... but I got the jist of it =D Actually some of the best news I've heard in a while xxxx
A kinase (the SGK1) is an enzyme that controls complex processes in cells (of which growing a foetus is probably the most complex) so a disturbance within this kinase will affect the development of the cells and will therefore directly affect the earliest stages of cell production in a foetus. (Hope that explains it a little......thanks to a-level biology and chemistry lol) xxxxxxxx
Kinda... lol!! I only know specialised info, so when it comes to anything past GCSE I usually do't get it lol!
I suppose if SGK1 is too abundant then the cell processes would go into over drive and fail, too little and there wouldn't be enough complex cell process such as multiplying into the more specialised cells. If they can determine whether multiple miscarriage is caused by either of these things then they can find a way of regulating the amount of SGK1 to the optimum level for early embryonic development......I think lol
Wow get you Bb!!!! You are a super science brain I see!!!! Nothing babybrain ish about you is there! ;-) xxxx
Ahhh I get it now!!!! Really impessed by the research and the fact you've got me to understand it too =D xxx
yayyy for research into mc's - it's all very clever
About time too!!!! It needs to be lloked into in such depth! Ppl want and need answers!!! !babybrain I must have gone to a shiiiiiiite school as I too did a level chem and biol but couldn't decipher the scientific lingo!!!!!! Xx
This is the first thing thats ever made me think for one second it wasn't my fault what happened and I know I'm not the only one and we all feel like that about our mc's so someone really should have thought about looking into it all before now..... but its progress! xxx
Its brilliant that they are looking deeper into the reasons for mc. I suppose their next step will be to find out why and when this problem with sgk1 it environmental, a one off, inherited, is it something that is determined in younger life or later etc.

The more answers they get the more questions will be asked because obviously there are other reasons for mc and this research will hopefully lead to more and more answers.

Here's to a future of more research and less heartbroken parents xxxxxxxxxxx
I've just had a quick look to see what other research is going on at the moment into miscarriage. More than I thought but this caught my attention cos it came up on my Facebook cos of a link I have. The two major research fields at the moment seem to be the role of the immune system, i.e. does our immune system in some way attack the developing foetus or into diagnosis of miscarriage (for me the first one gives me hope, the second is a little scary!). The enzyme mentioned above (SGK) appears to be important in preventing cell death. There is a process called oxidative stress which kill cells unless its managed by the cell and it has lots of mechanisms for doing this (this is the reason which vitamins are really useful cos they are anti-oxidants). In the absence of this protein, mice had lots more problems in pregnancy, and they have found it to be reduced in the endometrial tissue of women that have recurrent miscarriages. As BB says it will remain to be seen if levels can be supplemented in some way or this knowledge used as a treatment.
glad to see there is more being done, as it amazes me that noone has an answer for why we lost our precious angels it is so unfair that it can be so common.
glad to see there is more being done, as it amazes me that noone has an answer for why we lost our precious angels it is so unfair that it can be so common.

Completly agree even tho my losses weren't mc n I have a cause I stil don't know why my babies had the probs they did hope research gets some answers xxx

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