New Mums - do you worry...

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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...about everything like I do?

I worry is she eating enough even though she's gaining weight, I worry about getting her in a routine - should I, shouldn't I? I worry she won't sleep through the night (even though she only wakes once in the night which I think is awesome for 7 weeks), that she'll be a total brat like those kids on Supernanny... Am I alone or do others feel like this to? X
OMG I'm terrible....I'm obsessed with she too hot? Too cold? Vest on or off? One blanket or two haha! Driving OH crazy with it!

Also with the eating thing, as I'm bf and can't monitor what's she's getting! So yep I'm the same lol....think it's perfectly normal hun :) xxx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
I was an absolute nightmare when k was born! Was like a proper neurotic mother! It does get better tho defo! I remember when we first started putting her upstairs to sleep at night I was literally up the stairs every 5 mins checking she was still breathing!
I worried like crazy to the point i think i drove OH crazy! i still worry now but nothing like i did Xx
upuntil lo was 6 or 7 month old i worried about everything! he wasnt sleeping through, didnt really have a good routine etc etc, now im a lot more relaxed and go with the flow and think im doing a good job =) its only natural to worry though hun! youre doing fab! x
It doesnt get easier I'm afraid!
I now worry, has Lacey got friends, is she coping at school ( I know she has friends and she's doing fantastic) I'm scared I'll lose her, someone will take her.
It's natural to worry, I worry more for Lacey than I do for charley though!
I think, like Laceys Mummy said, there will always be something to worry about! That's just part of being a Mum, but instincts tell us when there is really something to take action on and I now trust my instincts so much.
...about everything like I do?

I worry is she eating enough even though she's gaining weight, I worry about getting her in a routine - should I, shouldn't I? I worry she won't sleep through the night (even though she only wakes once in the night which I think is awesome for 7 weeks), that she'll be a total brat like those kids on Supernanny... Am I alone or do others feel like this to? X

One word...yes!!!

I feel the same xx

Oh yes :) you thought pregnancy was a worry it gets worse!! The day I had to turn of my baby mattress monitor i was a jibbering wreck!!
I did but I have started to calm down a bit! lol

I do worry about the whole routine thing though and I feel like I pick him up too much as soon as he moans so I've started trying to leave him for a few minutes xxx
I used to worry alot more but once you realise that babies are alot tougher than you think they are then it gets easier. I trust my gut instincts now and I know when he's really upset and when he's just moaning cos he wants a bit of attention etc.

It's natural for mums to worry, thats how we keep our babies safe, but I've got in a rhythm with ollie now where I almost know what he needs before he does, so I think it gets easier with time as the bond gets stronger between you..

Having said all that I'm with you on the supernanny thing! I wish she could come and live with me once he's walking and talking, but I suppose you just have to trust that you can nip any naughtiness in the bud and just enjoy every stage x

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